Obs twitch stream pixelig?

Hi, ich habe eine Frage ich streame und habe daran spaß, und ich möchte aber eine sehr gute Qualität für die Zuschauer bringen, allerdings ist mein stream pixelig sobald ich schnellere games spiele, also bei story games wie Outlast/beyon two souls ist das nicht so wenn ich aber Warzone spiele und vllt kurz stehe sieht alles gut aus, bis ich mich bewege ab da wird die quali schlechter ich habe alles probiert was ich weiß etc bitrate auflösung ka mehr weiter, es währe lieb wenn jemand mir da helfen könnte, ansonsten könnte er/sie mein stream anschauen dann weiß man was ich meine lg Pnetex

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2 years ago

So that’s your settings in OBS.

If you set the bit rate too low, it will quickly pixelize as you have described with faster movements.

I stream to 1080p with 60 FPS and have selected a bit rate of 6000 and I never have this problem.

If your upload is not fast enough for a bit rate of 6000, you should put the quality down a bit and then only stream with 720p. There should be a bit rate of 4500.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pnetexx

No, it’s a rumor in the meantime. This used to be the case, as there was no option for anyone to adjust the quality of the stream. Everyone can stream to Twitch with 1080p.

Have you ever noticed whether the encoder is overloaded when streaming in OBS? For example, if you use your graphics card as an encoder and then play a game that requires a lot of power from the graphics card. Then simply your graphics card is not strong enough to manage the game and the stream.

2 years ago

If this works over your CPU and that doesn’t somehow get to its limits at Zocken, you can stream over your CPU. I’m sorry I don’t know the AMD Encoder.

2 years ago

All right. This is probably the graphics card Encoder from AMD. The graphics card seems quite neat. Have you ever tried to stream over your CPU?

2 years ago

I don’t know AMD graphics cards like that, but since the encoder in OBS is only for Nvidia graphics cards, you need to stream over your CPU.

Maybe that’s the mistake. Did you set as Encoder X264 or NVENC? But according to the data, the CPU should also be sufficient to stream over it