Objektivkompabilität bei Nikon?

Meine alte Nikon D80 ist kaputt gegangen und ich suche nach einem Nachfolger. Ich suche dabei nach einer Kamera, die mit den beiden Objektiven kompatibel ist, die ich bereits besitze, damit ich die nicht auch noch neu kaufen muss, fühle mich aber ehrlich gesagt bei der Recherche etwas erschlagen. Meine beiden Objektive sind das VR Nikon DX AF-S NIKKOR 18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6G und das Nikon AF NIKKOR 70-300mm 1:4-5.6G. Wie finde ich am besten heraus, ob eine Kamera mit diesen Objektiven kompatibel ist? Vorab schon mal Entschuldigung dafür, dass ich wirklich keine Ahnung von der Technik habe; die D80 ist meine erste Spiegelreflexkamera und war ein Geschenk.

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3 months ago

and the Nikon AF NIKKOR 70-300mm 1:4-5.6G

If it is an AF-S or AF-P, it would be compatible with the Nikon Z adapter. That means you could use both lenses on a current Nikon Z50 or Zfc Mirrorless. I would get the adapter at MPB, so you get the first version that has no disadvantages compared to version II, except weigh a few grams more and have a tripod foot.

Nikon Z 50 Body from € 729,00 (2024) | Price Comparison Geizhals Germany

Nikon Z fc silver/black body from € 795,00 (2024) | Price Comparison Geizhals Germany

Used Nikon FTZ adapters | MPB

3 months ago


zb used in condition B with warranty

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The Nikon AF NIKKOR 70-300mm 1:4-5.6G is an AF or AF-D optics with bar focus it was built/sold from about 1990 to 2010 (AF version until about 2000 afterwards AF-D). The optics need an autofocus motor in the camera. The optics was developed/built with Tamron and was already “challenged” in 90s as Kit Zoom on analog film cameras.

The D90 is a D80 with CMOS sensor and live view. The sensor clears 2 ISO level later than the 80D

I would advise the D7000 to clear the sensor 3 ISO levels later this is important with the AF 70-300.

3 months ago
Reply to  Rocki2007


the AF NIKKOR 70-300mm 1:4-5.6G fouses loudly and slowly (do you already get along) and becomes soft/match at resolution above 200mm. This applies to motifs with fine structures, i.e. for bird feathers, fur, hair, cordlessness, lawns, hedges, leaf forest, Schilff, roof pans, roller blinds, garden fences

In the medium term, I would advise an AFS 55-200 DX VR or AFS 55-300 DX VR. With AFS or AFP optics you can also choose a Nikon of the 3000s and 5000s series

Nikon D50/70/80/90 have a “small” autofocus motor installed whose speed you know

Nikon D7000/7100/7200/7500/600/610/Df have installed a stronger engine that has about 30% more speed than the D70

Nikon D100/200/300/700/750/780/800/810/850 have a strong autofocus engine that has about 60% more speed than the D70

Nikon D1/2/3/4/5/6 have installed a super powerful autofocus motor that has approximately 100% more torque/speed than the D70. However, the engine is throttled by the chip of the optics before power, with Kit Zooms, the fat motors within less 100 Focusyklen can swallow the mechanics or shred plastic gears. The point at Nikon can be done with a 1D or 100 series and an AFD 80-400 VR sports report and birding. That’s why you buy a D300. The 70-300 is already a bit faster/shocky (but as Kit Zoom with plastic gears is throttled to an AF 75-300 or AF 70-210)