Oberes Augenlid schmerzt?

Hallo zusammen,

Zuerst dachte ich, die Schmerzen kommen vom inneren Augenwinkel bzw der Tränendrüse. Allerdings wenn ich das Auge zumache und dann leicht die Stelle anfasse am Augenlid sind die Schmerzen da.

Das Ding ist, man sieht gar nichts. Keine Rötung oder Schwellung, das Auge tränt auch nicht.

Ist es trotzdem eine entzündung oder was anderes?

Danke im voraus

Und schöne Weihnachten!

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1 year ago

(I once had an ophthalmologist, who would have knocked a few on your fingers right away if you grabbed your eye with your hands.)

Well, what would I do if that was my Oberlid, what hurts.

I would try to do such a wound and an ointment carefully, but only so easily.

Perhaps you have a feeling of tension on the upper song (which also makes you feel like a pain).

and through the ointment it could go away.

just try it.

Don’t touch it again.

1 year ago

Is it an inflammation or something else?

Hello someone12388,

about this question can only be speculated here. My advice: it gets worse, you should go to a clinic; You have to decide yourself.

Merry Christmas to you and all the good.