Oberarztbehandlung, komplexer Fall?
ich habe mehrere Diagnosen, PTBS, ADHS, generalisierte Ängste, eine Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung, Zustand nach Magersucht. Die niedergelassenen Psychiater trauen sich nicht an mich ran, deswegen muss ich jetzt ambulant in einer Fachklinik für Psychiatrie behandelt werden. Das macht der Oberarzt. Irgendwie ist das ein komisches Gefühl. Wie würdet ihr damit umgehen? Der meinte auch, ich sei ein psychiatrisches Polytrauma…
Just be glad you get help.
What are you talking about?
A lot of senior doctors work in every clinic.
It’s good if you’re treated in a clinic.
Don’t understand the problem. What a funny feeling and why somehow deal with it? Comorbidities, even those you describe, are really not such a speciality/similarity in psychiatric/psychosomatic practice, not at all in trauma or personality disorders. Not every trader has equal experience or desire to treat this in every area of interference. Surgical treatments are not so special now. Wouldn’t waste a single thought on it at your place. Most different in the sense of: do I somehow need to be a special problem and if what does it take to me? Would be a frequent brothel theme….
This is not so rare now that patients have many diagnoses. You’re not a single case.
How would I handle it?
I have my own experience here 🤣
My list of problems seems even longer
So the psychiatrist learned about it?
So he looked
What was on the note?
Urgent psychiatric outpatient therapy 🤣