
Hi leute, ich habe ein großes Problem. Wollte mal schauen ob paar Ratschläge helfen können. İch habe gerade bei meiner Sparkasse Kreditkarte 2K€ schulden. Und es ist seit lange zeit so es zieht von meinen Konto mein Kontostand wird in Minus und ich benuzte wieder die Kreditkarte zum Leben. Und mein Lohn geht direckt zu der Minus. İch hatte viele Probleme mit Familie und so und musste umziehen. Nun versuche ich die Schulden zu abzahlen. Mein Arbeitgeber hat meine Krankmeldung trotz AU Schein nicht bezahlt und ich habe auch mich gemeldet aber es ist eine sehr Verantwortungslose Firma und es gibt auch Probleme mit der Lohnsteuerbescheinigung und nicht nur bei mir. Kann man mit einer Rechtsversicherung zum Anwalt für die unbezahlten Krankmeldungen weil es ist ca. 1K€ also muss ich den Anwalt etwas zahlen und dauert es sehr lange bis man eine Lösung findet ? Weil ich gerade Angst habe Obdachlos zu sein denke ich mir einen neuen Konto zu eröffnen und das als Gehaltskonto zu benutzen dann bleibt halt die Sparkasse in Minusstand aber wenigstens kann ich meine Miete zahlen und wenn es zu einen İnkasso geht kann man vielleicht eine Ratenzahlung machen. İst das eine gute İdee ? Weil mir ist gerade das wichtigste nicht Obdachlos zu werden. Z.b. Wenn icht jetzt Arbeitslos wäre und Alg bekomme wird es direckt von meinen Konto abgezogen und dann kann ich ja nicht die Miete und so zahlen. Und noch eine Frage ist es sehr schwer einen Termin bei einem Sozialen Schuldnerberatung zu finden ? Und habt ihr vielleicht noch irgendwelche Ratschlage ?

Kann ich vielleicht zu einer Tafel gehen ich habe eigentlich ein Vollzeit Job aber bin in einer schweren Situation. İch weiß die Fragen haben keine bestimmte Antwort aber ich wollte mal das mit einen reden. Habe keinen der mir helfen kann und kann seit tagen fast garnicht schlafen wegen stress und panik attack und es ist sehr schwer so zu arbeiten.

Vielen Dank für die antworten und sorry für die schreibe fehlern.


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1 year ago

Hi! I fear that the second account will be difficult under the circumstances and it will cost you unnecessary fees, that is not for nothing.

If you’re in a permanent position with the current account, the bank has to offer you advice, I would try proactively to clarify the situation.

I would try the following:

For the target of the current account, try to get a rescheduling loan with a regulated return and then get the current account back into the balance via the salary. And then no longer live on the credit card so that it doesn’t develop again. You’ll need a two-month, but you’ll be in the right direction. And the rescheduling loan should be significantly cheaper than the overdrawing of the Kk account.

Talk to your bank about what is possible. Good luck.


1 year ago
Reply to  TheodoreTbag

No, it’s your right to order your bank to convert your account to a Pac account. This must then happen within 3 to 5 days. However, you lose all credit lines including the credit card, I’d just guess if a bond is in the house. And that doesn’t change the current state. I don’t see a solution for your problem.

1 year ago

Good luck. It’s important that you look at this, then you get out of it. Nevertheless, you should consider talking to a debt counsel, especially if the bank does not participate in the plan.

Fear is always a bad guide, it usually comes because you cannot answer questions or do not know how to solve problems. therefore make an inventory of everything so that you know exactly what is in the room. Then make a plan and implement, then you will see that you are going better and that fear leaves. I do not say it will be easy, but with consistent implementation it will certainly work. Gruss

1 year ago

Hi, I understand the approach, but the P account will only help you with existing payments by protecting the legal allowance. If the case applies, you would get another account, then at least the rental payment is secured as far as okay. But: the other account with the expensive account overdrawing continues to fall down, at least through the account bills, if there is nothing more and no paybacks are coming, the bank will terminate the account at some point and immediately deposit the open amount and then it will be even more difficult.

You have two themes that you need to have in mind: once the running costs and on the other hand the return of the debt, both are equally important!! I’m guessing a debt counselor, but until you get an appointment…

So my strategy would be:

Wait for the next credit card billing on the account, then you have the current target, e.g. 3000 Euro minus.

With this you go to your bank and try to rebook the balance to a rate loan. The current account is zero and comes with the next pay payment, so the rent etc is also secured. At the same time, a fixed amount, e.g. 100 euros as repayment rate, is relocated to the credit each month and thus the credit is reduced by 100 euros less … of course You will not spend more money than you have available. You don’t need a second account, and that doesn’t necessarily mean a P account, I’d just do that, as I said, if there are accusations. Talk to the bank. Gruss

1 year ago

I’d just try that with the debt loan, because it’s necessary to find a solution in the interest of the bank, before there’s nothing left at all, it won’t be better. Because if you open a 2 (if this is so easy under these circumstances), the other one will be resolved if there is nothing left on it and the amount will be due and then it often goes off with debt collection and that will cost everything again and all the trouble. This is probably better for the bank, as I said.

You can’t just go to the board, I don’t think you have a claim and you need a certificate.

Because of the rent, the question would have been that there have already been any remnants or have a dismissal? If you’re still on the run, you could try to settle with your landlord explaining your situation to him and maybe he’s nice and comes to you that you pay the rent when you’ve done it with the bank.

Often there are social services in the communities (with us from the church) that can help in difficult situations.

Wish you success

1 year ago

Turn to a specialist attorney for labour law and, if necessary, to the account-leading financial institution to clarify the account issue.

1 year ago

Go to the Caritas – there you find the professionals for this.

1 year ago

Simply apply Hartz4 then you will not be homeless

1 year ago
Reply to  KeinBetteln

Hartz IV doesn’t exist anymore.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dackodil

Refuse me to call that, civic money, that doesn’t mean any citizen, especially savourers and bloodsuckers that make the taxpayer extra stress, as a solution I can only show in Finland that go well with smooths

1 year ago

I didn’t lie to the state on my pocket and never got resin or something.

1 year ago

Wart ma until your health knocks on

1 year ago

More than half of the Schmarotzer would be able to work

1 year ago

For that we have 5million Hartz4 Schmarotzer athletic performance

https://de.statista.com/statistic/data/studie/1396/umfrage/performance-recommended-of-worklessness-ii-year averages/#:~:text=Im%20years%202023%20-based%20-average,by%20das%20B%C3%BCrgergeld%20abgel%C3%B6st%20words.

1 year ago

Oh, come on, I’ll give you 1 day of brain tumor, epilepsy, half deaf feet, asthma, ne diverticolitis. After that we can talk.

1 year ago

Oh come I dazzle this link then you can see how many working people do not work a minute time please

1 year ago

The bloodsuckers are probably the big company bosses. There are also enough people who can’t work because of your health but also can’t get a pension

1 year ago

My are