Are the others as smart?
There are many things that my brother and I don't know and can't do. Whether that means, conversely, that the others are as smart as they think they are, pretend to be, etc., remains to be seen.
There are many things that my brother and I don't know and can't do. Whether that means, conversely, that the others are as smart as they think they are, pretend to be, etc., remains to be seen.
So, I have an iron deficiency that led to anemia. I just got my period again and notice that I'm much more tired and less focused than usual. I usually have these symptoms, but now they're even worse. Is it because I have my period? And how does iron deficiency affect my period?
I'm asking purely out of interest and because I'd like to try out other learning methods. My learning method: Read the topic (online or in the magazine) Summarize the topic on index cards Memorizing flashcards Give a kind of presentation (without index cards, just with the topics) Learn the application with tasks Please also write…
Hi guys. I've been eating pretty little for the past week, around 160-250 calories a day. And I've been losing about 400-600 grams every day. But this weekend, I started weighing myself in the evenings, and so far, I've lost about 200 grams during the day. But today I ate less than 100 calories and…
Hey, I've been feeling extremely bad mentally for the past six months because of a friend of mine, and I've told my dad about some of her behavior. I even cried in front of him about it once, and he knows full well that I don't cry for no reason, because I rarely cry. Today…
What are your experiences with the pill?
Die allermeisten Leute sind (Pardon) Fachidioten, die sich in nur sehr wenigen Themen gut auskennen. Will man ein breites Wissen haben, muss man viel lesen, viele Erfahrungen selbst machen und mit allerlei Menschen aus unterschiedlichen Milieus unbefangen verkehren können.
Ja, sie sind so schlau.
Glaube ich nicht
Doch, ich hab sie getestet.
Was los du…