Nutzt ihr Wattpad?
Wenn ihr möchtet könnt ihr gerne euren Namen auf Wattpad dazu schreiben.
Wenn ihr möchtet könnt ihr gerne euren Namen auf Wattpad dazu schreiben.
Kurze Beschreibung der Spezies: sie ist groß, ähnelt einem Krokodil und lebt im Meer. Ansprüche für den Namen: Eine Kombination aus zwei Wörtern ist nicht erwünscht und würde wie eine normale Tierart klingen (Beispiel: Ozeankrokodil) Krokodil, Alligator, Gavial oder Suchus dürfen im Namen nicht vorkommen Sollte bestenfalls eine Bedeutung haben, die auch bei der Antwort…
Hallo Freunde, 💐 Ich schreibe gerade eine Geschichte und bräuchte Namen für einen Bösewicht. Die Person sollte nicht so langweilige Namen wir Mr.Oberböse oder so haben, sondern was außergewöhnliches. Zur Orientierung: Meine bisherigen Figuren sind Mr. 70 und Kalira Gibson. Der Name sollte aber trotzdem böse/bedrohlich klingen. Danke schonmal im Voraus 😊
Fuchsstern (Kater, manchmal sieht er böse und blutrünstig aus, aber er liebt seine Familie) Eulenschrei( Kätzin, würde für ihre Familie sterben)
ich schreibe gerade eine Fantasy Geschichte und habe mich gefragt, ob diese in die Kategorie High Fantasy gehört. ich kenne nämlich mehrere Definitionen von High Fantasy und je nachdem welche man nimmt, gehört meine Geschichte dazu oder nicht. Definition 1: High Fantasy ist eine Geschichte die in einer anderen Welt spielt, mit Fokus auf dieser…
Ich will diese nur für mich benutzten, um eine bessere Vorstellung zu bekommen.
If you are fighting through the Maffia/Vampire/Werwolf/Toxic district garbage, you will find real diamonds below.
I might want to publish my own stories on Wattpad at some point, but I would like to get better in writing to become nciht himself part of the garbage.
I agree with you how sad the wattpad is connected to this whole trash of Mafia, Vampire and BDSM. Nobody thinks of real good stories when you say Wattpad. Only this junk about any weird stuff, all written off from each other
Jap, I do. Both for writing (an HP-FF (a multiple) and a Dystopie Fantastic – Roman) and for reading. I am especially glad to be landing with people who are sympathetic and write really awesome stories👍🏼
I’m just writing there. Reading is too exhausting there. On Wattpad so much garbage was released that is not to be sustained.
What’s your name on Wattpad?
I’ll write you private.
Yeah, but I’m probably gonna stop there. Currently rather to write. I’d rather read in Storyban.
Wattpad is usually too bad.
Although I started posting my book there (Krimi), I don’t know if I will post it there.
Wattpad in itself is really a great app, I also wrote something, but finding good stories is really crassy exhausting. Everything is covered by mafia, vampire and blah blah. Above all, the stories have not emerged from their own creativity, but are simply written off by each other. Sad.
I use Wattpad to read but would like to write something and I also have something I am unsafe what others think about it. But I don’t find any good stories right now…
Do you know “Biology for Beginners”, “Seed of Corruption”, “Sign of the crescent Moon”, “Bis(s) she turns” and “The Dream Rider – Light and Darkness”? These are all very beautiful books.
Biology for beginners I also find really well written
I generally use it to read, but at the moment I find no good stories.
Do you know “Biology for Beginners”, “Seed of Corruption”, “Die Traumreiter – Licht und Dunkel”, “Sign of the crescent Moon” and “Bis(s) she turns”? I like these books very well.
Thank you
I occasionally read in – but I rarely encounter what (for me) worth reading. Many of the (self-proclaimed) authors unfortunately have a greater ego than real skills, yet I was already very positively surprised.
I’m on Wattpad Spiritfan2907 and you’ll find most of my stories under the tag Spirit of the Wild Mustang if you want to install Wattpad.
Heyy 😉 I read more because I always break stories, but I like to do it.
But I just published a single story. At the moment I hardly use Wattpad for reading, but usually only to write things privately.
But I haven’t really come to this lately
Yes, I also write my own stories there, read mainly fanfictions ^-^
I write down and sometimes read.
would really like to try something written for me, too, but the overcoming of something in public is quite big.
Tell the others you know that you can write stories well? if yes then you will expect a lot of positive feedback after posting.
Until now, only one story showed my schoolmates they found it good but that was in the folk school… Otherwise, only my little sister or my parents laughed at my parents because it was anxious to stories I read before or series I saw…
If you want to read my stories, you’ll find them at the day Spirit of the Wilde Mustang, there’s Spiritfan2907.
Thank you, I’ll remember your advice. At the moment I’m also working out an idea of my own but still have a few hardships.If it’s going to be good, maybe I’ll put it on Wattpad… Thanks again for the help
I think if you want to write good stories they need to be something special, something that doesn’t have too much resemblance to other stories that don’t come from you, some genres urgently need fresh wind. If you write your own story then the idea should come from you, of course you can also make such stories that are ordered to others. But when I wrote my stories there and I got a lot of positive feedback because these kinds of stories are very rare on Wattpad, actually I have never read such stories from others that were really similar to mine now. But my mother has already said that I can write good stories, maybe your next story should come from you and be something special, something quite different. With me some of my stories have emerged in my mind for years, I just want to say that it might be the best if a story comes almost exclusively from oneself.
Since January 2016
No, I don’t read stories.
My name is Wattpad Moonlight_Wolvegirl
Yeah, I’m writing there.
Username: didyoutalktome
I’m late, but I read and write on Wattpad,
What’s your name?🤍
My name is LilyPetuniaEvans
No interest in this