Nutzt ihr Facebook?
In gefühlt jeder Studie steht dass Facebook angeblich von 60% aller Jugendlichen regelmäßig genutzt wird. Und damit ist nicht WhatsApp als Teil des Facebook bzw. Metakonzern gemeint, sondern wirklich Facebook.
Daher meine Frage, nutzt ihr Facebook?
Facebook and YouTube only
Facebook rarely but YouTube
Instagram maybe 1 times in 2 months just so I’ll run my fan page nothing else
Can you explain why Facebook plays such a big role in every study? I don’t understand
Maybe the dates are old?
Ü25 surely use it even more
So I don’t know anyone. Maybe they just don’t use any telling data. I mean Facebook is credible even pre-installed on any Android phone, but don’t do that anyway
Yes I have also wondered, although today’s generation now really has very rare Facebook🤔
No, they’re all brand new studies. I really don’t check it. I have to keep a presentation for my boss and actually wanted to say that no one is looking on Facebook
No, I don’t use this new-fashioned buck.
Isn’t that new, Facebook is full of 2000
Look at TikTok is worse
TikTok… yes… I’ve had this hour. Only children’s and make-up tips of 12 years old.
Doesn’t need a human.
Once it’s personalized, youtube shorts is actually ok, but still don’t look as I get dizzy, I don’t know why
Youtube shorts are okay. At least normal things are offered to me and not such a “children’s chat with Michael”.
Once I’ve been testing for a couple of minutes, I’ve only seen some weird stuff that goes down and makes me dizzy.
I also do not recommend the finger path of YouTube-Shorts
No, I’ve never used Facebook before and will never use it
Earlier – from 12 to 17 or so – I had a Facebook account that I used very actively. I posted a lot of embarrassing stuff (Of course on public – shame? What’s that? Can you eat that? Everyone finds me cool and I’m the coolest mess in the village, is clear). At some point, I deleted it completely and made me a new account a few years ago, on which I don’t post anything, etc. Just because I had to make bad experiences with it. (In my youth this was for Instagram and even, heaven help 🤦🏼 ♀)
With my current account I don’t write with anyone, post nothing, like/dislike nothing, comment nothing, link no one, etc. I don’t have anyone in my friends list. There’s nothing to see.
I use it occasionally to look for people/groups. When the village police drive through the village, you can read the next day what was going on. That’s nice.
But really “benefits” you can’t call it, just because you ask for adolescents here (and I’m not adolescents anymore with 25), I’m answering for my former me.
Because of the studies: Maybe they understand something different from us. It may also count as “use” if you only have an account, but don’t do anything there or if you are linked to your Facebook account on games or what I know. Or maybe some teenagers have Facebook only because of their grandparents, because they only just understand Facebook and explain to them now extra WhatsApp or similar would take too long.
Rare. Usually only when there are news, otherwise I am usually on the way to Youtube. In the beginning I was almost on FB, so 2014. I use Instagram more often
I love using Facebook because it’s the perfect place for me to stay up to date with all my friends and my family, what’s going on!
Could you tell me how old you are? I try to limit a bit which age groups actively use Facebook and which do not. Thank you.
She’s 27
I have never had any interest in this useless, boring social network. not in the least
No more. Just like Tiktok, whatsapp, insta etc Nothing more. I’m back in the 2000s and got an old Nokia phone + mp3 player. That’s awesome. Can I recommend to everyone
Facebook is 2000?
is true. You know what I mean.
Well, I got it for families but I don’t really use it
For several years no longer.
have I never used this before, are there still something like that? thought they had been dense 10 years ago 🙂
You have to look at the date of the studies.
They are all new!!! 😭
Will I never use W17😅😂
I’m not young for 40 years.
Almost no more. More.
I usually look at Reels or sometimes videos.
I have no interest in Facebook.