Does the retainer adhesive eventually wear out?

I had my braces removed today, and the retainer, the wire behind my teeth, was also attached. But the adhesive on the retainer feels really thick. Will it wear off with brushing and eating, or will it stay like this?

And another question: Can cavities develop on the teeth where the adhesive is if I don't brush there for many years?

Thanks for your answers!

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2 years ago

Hello glimmergirl,

you have to find a middle way. The adhesive points must be so large that they hold the retainer wire well, on the other hand they should be as filigree as possible. You get used to it. When you feel braces with the tongue, you believe that the ones have glued to the teeth – in reality they are tiny;-)

The reservoir is of course a problem. It is more difficult and more complicated to clean, but not impossible. The alternative would be to wear a container at night.

Good luck!


2 years ago

No, don’t take advantage of it – should be reground again if it bothers

And : Yes there can be caries (leather)

2 years ago

That remains so, but you get used to it, to 99.9%.

If it is glued well and there is no edge gap there should be no caries.