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Without butter
Luckily, ENDLICH asks someone this question…
We’ve all missed them!
As missing as the annual cold… 🙄
Boar yes fr, I’ve been waiting for this question for a long time.
Definitely. That would be a shame if no one had ever asked this question
But that is really the most important of all questions. After perfect penis size
Will the penis increase in youth if you eat a lot of Nutella as a child?
Absolutely… That’s an existential
That’s it. But fortunately we finally know 🥳😌😇
Right. I mean… NOT knowing would be something that would torture me forever. This uncertainty, whether with or without… I couldn’t sleep calmly if I didn’t know
Yeah… then we all know if with or without butter is more popular😞 that was really sad…
No Nutella. But if, then with butter 😉
I basically eat everything with butter or at least margarine – so it slips better…🤣
I don’t like Nutella at all. Too sweet. Currently especially liked: whole grain bread + Eissalat + cheese (also one slice more) …
Nutella of course with butter, everything else is purest hair drink.
But of course without butter.
Clearly without, with butter you cook
Nutella without butter. 😊🤭
LG Maike
This is the best butter with Nutella 😋
I just like it on the bun, otherwise it’ll be too lush.
Without, because with butter, it’s too fat. LG
Without butter. With butter, I’d be too fat
Eig without butter. But on a warm toast where the butter has melted. I also eat Nutella with butter.
Best regards
You actually taste the hazelnuts out.
With rancid pig fat, so all of it gets bad and finally new nutella questions come up here.
No ┐(‘~’;)┌
Wishes a nice Christmas time 🍪❄️☃️
I don’t like butter about it without
Butter without Nutella..
Only without butter
With butter that tastes better
With butter!
Nutella tastes without butter.
Butter without Nutella
With. Tastes better…
Without me, please!