Schmeckt euch Nutella mit oder ohne Butter mehr? Danke
Schmeckt euch Nutella mit oder ohne Butter mehr? Danke
Wieso essen so viele Leute überhaupt nicht gerne Lammfleisch. Ich liebe Lamm, aber denke, dass 80% der Leute es gar nicht mögen, warum ist das so.
Wad isz daran denn so lecker?
-Cornet & Apfel oder -Riegel (ballaststoffreich) & Streichkäse
woher kommt die Nutella Butter Frage habe ich vor GF noch nie gehört jemand eine Ahnung?
Hallo Leute. Welche Grießsorte hat den günstigsten ols niedrigsten Glykämischen Index und Last? Hartweizengrieß, Dinkelgrieß oder Maisgrieß? Was würdet ihr nach der Reihe wählen? Mfg 😉
Another GIGA-Chad answer 🤷 ♂️
I don’t know how often I’ve read this question here, but I feel at least 1 x a week.
Slowly I wonder if this question is hidden advertising 🤔
No advertising me interested only 🙃
Without. I tried it both and is also ok but without is better and already sweet and fat enough. 👍🏻
I don’t eat it at all because it tastes like that and sticks between the teeth and is also unhealthy, which is why I just leave it
But it doesn’t stick between your teeth when you do normal to little. I also don’t eat it anymore because it eco test very bad note 6 has the lowest belt line.
I have had other experiences and that’s just too little for me.
And even without any tests you can explain yourself why the stuff is unhealthy
good night 🙂
I didn’t say that either. I also believe that it is unhealthy and that it was only researched. So you should really be happy with my answer. It was about the test that unpure processing and food are available that it is unhealthy, of course, is so or so clear to everyone. But it’s different for everyone. 😊
Good evening:)
Without, with butter it is too fat and doesn’t taste good, it’s okay but I don’t like it. For me, it’s a spread, under tomato spread or sausage spread, you don’t eat any butter under it, so why under Nutella?
without butter, you don’t need another flavor.
Without . With butter, it is too fat
No one says you have to cover the whole block
If then with butter
with butter, without Nutella, with Nudossi!
To the drizziest time Breze with butter and Nutella
I just open it out of the glass and add no butter.
Without butter
Nutella tastes only without butter.
Nutella tastes without butter.
Without butter and bread, bare in the glass.
With butter