Nur Reiche können Akademiker werden, oder?

Mit Akademiker meine ich hier, Akademiker in der Forschung. Gerade die meine ich, das problem ist ja, in der Forschung sind die meisten, ausser die Professoren nur befristet, und sehr schlecht bezahlt, und oft nur Teilzeit bezahlt.

Das heisst, die verdienen teilweise so schlecht wie ein Hilfsarbeiter. Sind auch befristet, hinzu kommt natürlich das lange, lange, lange Studium, und dann muss man unbedingt Professor werden in der Forschung, in der Universität.

Irgendjemand muss ja für den Unterhalt aufkommen. Jetzt kann man sicher so knapp überleben mit hilfsjobs etc und befristete stellen.

Aber man will sich ja auch mal was gönnen wollen? Und ich glaube nicht, dass die liebe zur Wissenschaft alleine langfristig reicht um glücklich zu sein wenn man arm deswegen ist.

Das heisst es geht dann 12 Jahre, wenn man es dann schafft zum Professor werden, dafür gibt es keinerlei Garantie.

Und in diesen 12 Jahren wird man wenn man keine reichen Eltern hat, oder ein Erbe, oder sonst was wahrscheinlich in Armut leben.

Also, egal wie sehr man Wissenschaft liebt, das ist einfach nicht realistisch wenn man keine reichen Eltern hat oder?

In der Schweiz ist es sogar noch schwieriger, gibt kein Bafög. Es gibt Stipendien, aber die musst du erstmals kriegen.

Jedenfalls macht es keinen Sinn für einen nichtreichen 25 Jährigen, der kein Matura hat (Abitur)

Jetzt noch versuchen Abitur zu erlangen, dann zu studieren, dann versuchen Professor zu werden, oder?

Das würde finanziell null sinn machen. Ergo, nach meiner Einschätzung vom rein finanziellen macht es keinen Sinn Akademiker im Sinne von Wissenschaftler zu werden oder?

Und ob man leidenschaftlich in Armut sein kann?

Es gibt ja ein Grund warum die meisten Akademiker, schon von Hause aus wohlhabend sind oder?

Die anderen können es sich nicht leisten.

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6 months ago

That’s too much black and white painted. You have a long list of unfavourable conditions in practice, but not everyone in research has been affected.

So, no. Research is by far not only for rich.

6 months ago

As a personal decision, of course, you are free. Risk readiness is something very individual. But it’s bullshit to say that people without generous reserves could not do that in general.

6 months ago

I have someone in the relationship that comes from a very simple working family (both parents main school; Father of unlearned assistants) came and actually studied for four years. By means of funding programmes such as Erasmus and any scholarship from the national representation, the paid child’s money and side jobs, but also by concessions made by parents, this seemed to have worked very well so far. However, through this change of life, she has health problems that are very special for a not even 25-year-old and is constantly practicing for studying – whether this is beautiful, I do not know.

6 months ago

Ideals. If you have any. Extremely great interest in one thing.

6 months ago

I actually ask myself that with my relatives, because I only see how they are studying, but otherwise there are some health problems that I have as a stress-related one and as absolutely abnormal for someone at that age. Concert visits, a private car, dinner, etc. are not possible and great hobbies such as sports are not…, they don’t care about everything I could afford long ago thanks to training and firm employment afterwards. If that’s nice, I don’t know – but if it’s worth it, it’s fine.

6 months ago

Yeah, I’ve already interpreted it like that 2-3 years ago.

I don’t know the situation of the people in this village exactly or I can’t judge, because I’m only at the family festivals of these people or rarely go through it.

6 months ago

You don’t get a guarantee in any profession.

6 months ago

Yes, she seems to have, she is very ambitious and there is also the desire to look down to the people in the village where she grew up – I can understand it somewhere. But if she already has strong health problems of physical and psychological type, which are absolutely untypical for age, I wonder if it is worth it. Must they know that my health is holy to me.

6 months ago

I think you see a lot too flat-rate…
A friend from school hours (worker’s child and migration background) brought it from the real school to the scientific assistant at the university.

6 months ago

Now has a top-paid job at a pharmaceutical company. She wouldn’t have got it without doctoral thesis and university job…

6 months ago

Only rich people can become academics, right?

No. In order to become an academic, you need an Abitur. And that can – in Germany – also make poor people.


6 months ago

Then why do you write academics if you only mean scientists, which is a very small part of the academics.

I know two people (both end 20 to mid 30) who have been working in research for a few years, one has studied chemistry, the other physics. Yes, both are only limited, but both can live well from their salary (a full time, a 32 hours) and also afford things like holidays, and they also formed reserves if they don’t find a follow-up job directly. But this has always worked. None of the two seekers, as far as I know, to make a professorship. As a follow-up, one probably has a permanent position in a state organization, nothing is signed yet, but looks very good.

6 months ago

Children from academic households have a higher probability to become academics themselves, academics have a higher income than non academics, but also children from normal families create the rise. I know several academics who made it. A main student and a nurse have become professors, a working-class child has edn Dr. and travels as an expert the entire world.

It’s hard, but it’s possible.

6 months ago

Well, you want to whip.

It doesn’t matter.

6 months ago

What are you comparing?

6 months ago

In any case, it doesn’t make sense for a 25-year-old who has no Matura (Abitur)

Now try to get Abitur, then study, then try to become professor, right?

You’re talking about you?

No, it doesn’t make any sense.