Nur noch Süßspeisen essen?

Hallo, in letzter Zeit habe ich nur Appetit auf Süßspeisen. Sachen wie Müsli, Nutellabrot, Mohnnudeln, Kaiser-/Grießschmarrn, Scheiterhaufen und so weiter stehen hauptsächlich auf meinem Speiseplan.

Ich esse aber zwischendurch nie was Süßes. Esse nur zwei bis dreimal am Tag.

Ist es in meinem Alter (19) normal?

Riskiere ich damit eine Erkrankung wie Diabetes?

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2 months ago

As long as it’s not complete, it’s not a problem first. It is important that you cover your important vitamins and nutrients about the diet anyway.

You don’t risk diabetes when you’re just on sweetheart. However, your blood sugar quickly shoots up after eating such things and after a short time you have cravings to quench your appetite again and is more; at worst, you take it and risk diabetes with time. Does not only apply to sweets, also things like white bread, bright noodles etc. A vicious circle as he stands in the book.

A recommendation would be to prepare a lot of food yourself so that you can understand the use of your ingredients and possibly use sugar alternatives (such as xylit or erythrite, for example) that will satisfy your cravings on sweets, but less strongly or hardly affect your blood sugar, which does not cause the above-mentioned vicious circle. At the same time, you keep the taste and do not have this taste, as you otherwise have it from other sweeteners or Sugar alternatives know. Unfortunately, they are more expensive than sugar because the demand is lower, but my personal recommendation would be Xylit. Compared with sugar significantly more advantages.

Besides, it’s not just about diabetes, sugar causes much more problems than you actually think. I could list some, but then I’ll write here by tomorrow.

As I said, the amount and time makes the poison. If you don’t eat well, you don’t have anything to worry about.

2 months ago
Reply to  ichfragmal172

… not soo oversugar…

As a non-diabetic you can even

do not oversugar ( Hyperglycemia

> 180-200 mg/dl, or 10-11.1 mmol/l).

2 months ago
Reply to  ichfragmal172

It’s a good step. However, as it is typical sweeteners that do not meet the taste of sugar, I would rather use xylit. This simply tastes 1 to 1 as if you were using sugar, at least if your taste is important, but also has a few calories

2 months ago
Reply to  recry

You don’t risk diabetes right now,…

… and risk diabetes.

“Diabetes” is just one Description for

12 different diabetes diseases,

and Diabetes types. The most common

are type 2 and type 1 diabetes.

Through a lot of sugar, a bad diet, etc., you have no risk of having diabetes T1 at all.

2 months ago
Reply to  PachamamaSquaw

Yeah, that’s all deeper, of course. But that’s not a science forum, and I’d rather like to explain to people how many things happen and how not. But of course, you can’t say that flat. Type 2 is possible, however, and most of them mean type 2 diabetes as a predominance.

2 months ago

Of course, I don’t want to tell you you’re annoyed. To your point “criticism” which I perceive as an attack: Here a certain recipient horizon intervenes; I’ll receive your signals and perceive them differently from you. You wrote the following:

People like you who are about a certain

telling illness inaccurate and this

Diseasenot even name, care

for confusion and false information!

I have been doing this personally for 18 years

again and again and again, and are often energized.

I made this point. My intention was not to object to anything.

Here, however, a misunderstanding becomes clear: Of course “diabetes” itself is not a disease. I don’t want to say that, for God’s sake. I myself used the term “diabetes” as synonyms for type 2 diabetes. Of course, this is not concrete, but I do not see concretization as my task if I can provide the questioner with enough help with my answer. If I could help, I see my job as fulfilled.

I have even implicitly agreed to you in the commentary of origin, but unfortunately this has developed a rather unnecessary and, in my opinion, time-consuming discussion in which misunderstandings have arisen. Here again to your criticism or better your comment on my quote with the wording: “Then declare it right.”, which I perceived as very much better-visual and as if it questioned my answer.

2 months ago

If you are so excited about any answers like mine,

That I was supposed to be annoyed,

or am… is a submission!

then is not the right platform for you, I’m sorry.

Aha… maybe this platform isn’t

the right one for 👉dich since you obviously

can’t handle some criticism…yes

interpreting this even as an attack!🤦🏻 ♀️

I recommend forums that deal explicitly with such a subject.


The disease was already mentioned in the question and in my answer: Diabetes.


OMG…🤦🏻 ♀️… you have actually

still not understood

… again:

“Diabetes” is not a disease

“Diabetes” is just oneDescriptionfor

👉12 different diabetes diseases,

and Diabetes types. The most common

are type 2 and type 1 diabetes.

2 months ago

People like you who tell inaccurate about a certain disease

What is inaccurate about my answer? I cannot guarantee 100% accuracy and precision on the millimeter if I Lavender to explain how the world works. If you’re so excited about any answers like mine, then it’s not the right platform for you, I’m sorry. I recommend forums dealing explicitly with such a subject.

this diseasenot even name

The disease was already mentioned in the question and in my answer: Diabetes. Then I answered and said that the term “diabetes” usually includes type 2 diabetes – I make it simple and straightforward. But I can also understand in return if people like you react sensitively to it. This is not my intention to target something like that.

You take it very accurately and that makes the small but fine difference. There is nothing to push with “black Peter”.

What I mean would have been clear enough because, as I said, I am calling for simplicity. I also do not want to get out of my mistake with any means, as you may wrongly accept. I only like to know how you come to this thought; I’ve already formulated my position clearly enough and don’t spread half truths if you’ve noticed that.

2 months ago

Please consider that here many lay people are on the go

Of course I think so.

and a too specialist answer for more questions and sometimes more confusion.

No. It’s just different!

People like you who are about a certain

telling illness inaccurate and this

Disease not even name, care

for confusion and false information!

I have been doing this personally for 18 years

always firm and often become

nervt. Explanations and Corrections

of course, also hang on me… 🤦🏻 ♀️

By the way, you don’t have to think that I

do not notice that with all possible

means try you out of your mistake

to get out and to me the

black Peter wants to push for it!😹

2 months ago

Please note that many lay people are on the move and that an over-specialized answer ensures more questions and sometimes more confusion. For example, you have come too close to my original answer and, according to my feeling, you are making an excessively specific, unnecessary discussion in which you attack me with my way of explaining.

No, not “in any case”, but possibly.

Each body is individual, which is actually the basic idea. And you say that there is no risk of diabetes type 1 due to too much sugar or poor diet, which is also right at first; Diabetes type 1 must also be clarified in the causes.

Now the big But: There is a risk for type 2 diabetes. But I also implicitly said that more belongs to this than just the diet. And “possibly” does not exclude that it is not possible. On the contrary, type 2 diabetes is very well possible or is better said to be “promoted” if you want to oscillate over accuracy.

What most “my” is completely


As I said, there are many lay people on the way. Precise and good answers do not necessarily correlate with accuracy: So I perceive your comment and that the generality with the preamble of “diabetes” is about type 2 diabetes, my least problem will be that you like to be very comfortable echauffing. I am happy to address things and I believe that this does not make any more discrepancies in the contributions here.

2 months ago

But this is not a science forum

Bullshit. To give correct and good answers, you don’t have to be a scientist!

and I’d rather just like to explain to people how things are and how not.

Then explain it right.

But of course, you can’t say that flat. Type 2 is possible, however,

No, not “in any case”, but possibly.

and most people mean diabetes as an epitome of type 2 diabetes.

What most “my” is completely

irrelevant! Who is certain

Disorder simply a preamble

for several different diseases

use and make them together

into a pot, ensures

Confusion and misinformation!

2 months ago

Depends on where you live. You can often find Xylit under the name “Birkenzucker” at dm or Lidl or else keep online. If you buy xylit in the supermarket, cost 500 grams approx. 3 to 4 €. Online is often different with prices.

2 months ago

Hello ifragmal172, 👋

lately, I only have appetite for sweets. Things such as muesli, nutella bread, poppy noodles, emperor/gravy squirrels and so on are mainly on my menu.

healthy is of course not….

Especially if you are overweight

and you are chronically too little.

If you are normal weight and you are much

so these carbohydrates all move

burning/consuming, it is not so tragic,

tend to feed many sweets.

I never eat anything sweet in between. Eat only two to three times a day.

Is it normal at my age (19)?

Well, what’s “normal”… maybe you have

a growth trend and

need a lot of fast energy at the moment.

Or you eat too few foods as

vegetables, fruit, legumes, salad, fish,

Full grain products, dairy products, nuts, etc….?

Do I risk a disease like diabetes?

“Diabetes” is not just one disease,

but only one Description for

12 different diabetes,

and Diabetes types. The most common

are type 2 and type 1 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes (overweight diabetes)

mainly arises:

DURCHstrong overweight/obesity

ANDyears of unhealthy,

carbohydrate – & fat – rich Nutrition

ANDchronic lack of movement.

MEISTis also a genetic

MRP present.

👉Alline of lots of sugar, or candy

you do not suffer from type 2 diabetes.

💉💉💉Type 1 diabetes💉💉💉💉 you risk

not at all, because this diabetes disease

has diet, body weight

and to do nothing at all.

💉Typ1- Diabetes💉 is (in contrast to

Type 2 diabetes) an autoimmune disease

and there can be any person

at any age.

LG 🙋🏻

2 months ago

This is absolutely unhealthy!

2 months ago

This is extremely unhealthy, and you lack important nutrients!

2 months ago

Diabetes is not caused by sugar, but only by fat. I had written a detailed explanation of how diabetes arises in detail.

Nutella, pastries, cakes, candy, sweets make fat and cause diabetes because they contain a lot of fat. Not for sugar.

Yes, it can promote long-term diabetes, but if you remove the fat from the ingredients of such sweets (oil, margarine, butter, etc), then it will not cause diabetes, no matter how much you eat.

2 months ago

Diabetes is not caused by sugar, but only by fat.

No, Diabetes T1 is not caused by fat❗️

I had written a detailed explanation of how diabetes arises in detail.

Your explanations about diabetes

Disorders are wrong and disgusting!

Nutella, pastries, cakes, candy, sweets make fat and cause diabetes because they contain a lot of fat.


Fat caused in sweets

no diabetes T1❗️

Yes, it can promote diabetes in the long term,

No, it can also be with the years

do not promote diabetes T1❗️

but if you remove the fat from the ingredients of such sweets (oil, margarine, butter, etc), then it will not cause diabetes, no matter how much you eat it.

Also nonsense

2 months ago
Reply to  PachamamaSquaw

It’s obviously about type 2 diabetes, why do you always force the subject to type 1?

That my speeches and linked studies should be wrong you need to justify and proveOtherwise, your criticism is worthless.

It is and remains as I have explained. This confirms the entire science.

2 months ago

Diabetes is not caused by sugar, but only by fat.

This is and remains wrong, no matter how often you repeat it!

2 months ago
Reply to  RayAnderson

It is and remains as I have explained.

So please call the reasons and evidence for your rejection and linked studies.

1 month ago

Since my statements are well-founded…

Sorry, there was a typing error.

It must be correct that your remarks are unfounded!

1 month ago

It cannot be addressed to the request

Self-conversations don’t help!

Deime’s opinion is wrong!

2 months ago

There are no substantive arguments from you.


They’re all up to you.

It is your problem if you refuse to read them or do not understand them.

2 months ago

There are no substantive arguments from you.

Please mention the reasons that provide evidence for rejection and linked studies and explain how the mechanisms should be instead.

2 months ago

“No” is not an argument.


But don’t have to, because arguments you don’t get new every hour!

Simply start reading the serious studies and contributions instead of sticking to nonsense!

2 months ago

“No” is not an argument. It’s the way I explained.

Ask for the reasons and evidence for rejection and linked studies and how the mechanisms should be instead.

2 months ago

Fat increases blood sugar levels by causing insulin resistance and promoting glucose production in the liver, causing sugar to accumulate in the blood and thus to increase. That a short-term insulin resistance arises due to fat

No…no…no…no…no…all wrong…!

Too bad you are

I didn’t understand anything!

I had already explained and proved you several times.

Your explanations are incompetent and

wrong and proved you didn’t!

2 months ago

Fat increases blood sugar levels by causing insulin resistance and promoting glucose production in the liver, causing sugar to accumulate in the blood and thus to increase. I had already explained and proved that a short-term insulin resistance was created by fat.

Ask for the reasons and evidence for rejection and linked studies and how the mechanisms should be instead.

2 months ago


Your record has…🥱🥱😴💤💤

2 months ago

Ask for the reasons and evidence for rejection and linked studies and how the mechanisms should be instead.

2 months ago

1. First of all, food fats have an influence on how much insulin you need to spray.

Where are such incompetent

Wrong statements❓

Type 1 diabetics that took more fat, got higher blood sugar levels and had to spray more insulin, with the same amount of carbohydrate.

Stories from the Paulanergarten

Two. Therefore, the table must be considered, which calculates how much insulin must be injected with how much carbohydrates,

What kind of table??

In 18 years I’ve never had such a thing

SALE table seen!!️

Where is such a bullshit told that

Type1er to iwele tables!?️

It will be according to individual FAKTORS

injection moulded or embossed

No, type 1s do not squirt all after

ominous table!!️🤣🤣🤣💦

because food fats have a great influence on how much insulin you have to spray.


3. And for clarification: food fats have the effect that they influence digestive processes and delay gastric emptying, so that the sugar can get more slowly into the blood.

That’s exactly what’s super❗️🥳👍👍👍

At the same time, these fats enter the cells, trigger insulin resistance,


damage mitochondria, beta cells

The beta cells of type 1 diabetics are broken anyway❗️😹

and increase glucose production in the liver, increasing blood sugar. It’s not a contradiction, it’s both happening at once. In the end, the negative consequences prevail, so that blood sugar…

Complete nonsense❗️🤦🏻

… and insulin levels are increased in the long term, due to fat.

The insulin level can be

do not rise at all… 😹😅🤣💦

2 months ago

Fat is not a problem because it increases blood sugar levels,

BZ does not increase fat

If one eats fat, the

BZ slower and therefore not so high…

and this is VERY GOOD!!More IE must

are therefore NOT SPRITZEN

but because it damages the mitochondria, the pancreas and the liver and causes insulin resistance.

You don’t even know what a

eigtl. Insulin resistance is! It arises

not in a few hours, but in

👉multiple JAHREN❗️And type1er

have no insulin resistance!!️

Theeverything in turn causes higher blood sugar and insulin levels.


It’s TALK!!

If you take a lot of sugar without fat, then there is no insulin resistance.

The result of sugar with fat

👉also NO insulin resistance❗️

What is not normal is when blood sugar and insulin levels remain constant. It happens through fat.


The conclusion states that it could be considered for type 1 diabetics to eat fat in order to slow the intake of sugar into the blood,

GENAU DAS make type 1 Duabetiker

sometimes so that the BZ is not so fast &

rises!!️This allows you to

avoid harmful hyperglycemia❗️🥳

but this conclusion is irrelevant,

No, she’s not❗️

It does not make any sense to build fat in the long term,

But, of course, it makes sense

since the aim of a type 1 should be diabetics to spray as little insulin as possible.


The aim of each type 1

diabetics is, as far as possible

always the right/fitting

quantity of insulin to spray,

to hyperglycemia

and hypoglycemias

to avoid!!!!!

This is achieved by feeding low-fat, carbohydrate-rich.

No❗️Total bullshit!!️

If insulin resistance develops, then the blood sugar level is reduced when taking carbohydrates, and the insulin dose is lowered, although more sugar is taken.

Also completely incompetent nonsense!!!️❗️!

2 months ago

All real experts agree to me

What kind of German is that?

2 months ago

All real experts agree and criticize you.

Ask for the reasons and evidence for rejection and linked studies and how the mechanisms should be instead.

2 months ago

All real experts in the fields…

would agree.

2 months ago

All real experts in the field would laugh and criticize you.

Ask for the reasons and evidence for rejection and linked studies and how the mechanisms should be instead.

2 months ago

All the experts in this area would laugh at you.

All the experts in this area would laugh at you. That’s right. They’d laugh at you…

2 months ago

All the experts in this area would laugh at you.

Ask for the reasons and evidence for rejection and linked studies and how the mechanisms should be instead.

2 months ago

My statements are still correct.

That’s still wrong!

2 months ago

Anyone who has more knowledge of science to diabetes…

…will confirm all my statements!

2 months ago

My statements are still correct.

Your lack of understanding does not change the truth.

So again:

Let me mention and present the reasons and evidence for rejecting my speeches and linked studies, and how the mechanisms are instead.

2 months ago

Anyone who has more knowledge of science to diabetes would shake the head with your statements.

2 months ago

There have never been any arguments from you.

No matter how often you do it again, your assertion is demonstrably wrong!

2 months ago

There have never been any arguments from you. The statement is absolutely correct. But you have such a limited understanding of the subject that you do not notice.

2 months ago

There have never been any substantive arguments…

This is known to be F A L S C H!

2 months ago

Some users have already tried to clarify these persistent claims.

There have never been any substantive arguments that could refute my remarks and linked studies. Never.

If scientific facts are ignored, twisted or simply not understood, then one can only point out at some point when false claims are set up again.

This is only true to you. I have presented a large number of reasons and evidence. You are the ones who can’t justify and prove anything.

It doesn’t use anything if someone doesn’t want to know the truth.

This is only true to you. I have presented a large number of reasons and evidence. You are the ones who can’t justify and prove anything.

2 months ago

Some users have already tried to clarify these persistent claims. If scientific facts are ignored, twisted or simply not understood, then one can only point out at some point when false claims are set up again.

If you are using a dozen different accounts, you cannot expect to receive all the evidence for the Xth time. It doesn’t use anything if someone doesn’t want to know the truth.

2 months ago

So again to keep the red thread and publicly clarify who is telling nonsense and who is not.

Please Reasons and Evidence to show why my speeches and linked studies should be wrong, and how the mechanisms are instead.

You say sugar is the problem, not the fat. Please present the reasons and evidence for this statement.

2 months ago

Anyone who argues argumentatively and intellectually at such a low level, and still has such a great deal, is pressed by me like a parrot again and again to the burden of proof. And then we’ll see who’s not serious.

2 months ago

I’m just argumenting purely objectively and objectively. For this, you always have to say the same things, only right if small salmon numbers constantly delete my comments and you have to reinstate the comment.

The parrot clown number is not provocative, but boring.

In such unripe sentences, I only see incompetence and several logic errors. You can see amateurs from real professionals in an area.

2 months ago

You’re smart enough to understand the meaning of “not serious.” The parrot clown number is not provocative, but boring.

2 months ago

And now the justification and evidence for this statement. The whole clowns with low knowledge level do not believe me, but all with a higher epistemic level like e.g. researchers would agree. Lastly, a research group was invited by researchers who are researching glatzen and insulin resistance. It was funny.

2 months ago

Permanent repetitions reinforce the impression that your contributions are not to be taken seriously.

2 months ago

(2/2) Since my statements are well-founded and have been documented with a lot of sources, it is not enough to simply reject them (Hitchens’ Razor to apply to me). You have to be able to justify and prove his statements, otherwise they are worthless. If we cannot, it will be in a debate as intellectually insane denotes.

Appeal to Incredulity Fallacy
Information is rejected from a limited, incomplete or incorrect understanding. “I can’t imagine that X should be true, so X must be wrong.”

Appeal to Stone Fallacy
Person A (ich) claims X. Person B rejects the claim X. Person A asks the rejection. Person B does not give reasons or evidence.

It is obvious who has better arguments and deeper understanding.Topic finished.

2 months ago

(1/2) It is not possible to respond to the request to justify and demonstrate the rejection of my comments. Then I close the subject and leave the comments on the opposite side as a bad example.

Hitchens’ Razoris a philosophical principle that says:

“What can be claimed without evidence can also be rejected without evidence.” – Christopher Hitchens

Hitchens’ Razor is a useful tool in discussions and arguments tounfounded claimsto question critically.

Also presentfalse evidencecan be likeNon-existence of evidenceto be treated. Thus Hitchens’ Razor allows to discard all the statements made byfalse premisesorMistakesto be justified.

Hitchens’ Razor is an epic and argumentation theory.In an argument, therefore, there is the burden of proof of an allegation with the party to the dispute which raises the claim.If this claim cannot be justified, the counterparty may, in accordance with Hitchens’ Razor, reject the claim without further grounds.