Nur noch in Töppen wie Le Creuset kochen?
He wenn man sich 1x Le Creuset kauft kocht man dann immer aufdem Zeug oder greift man dann noch teilweise auf die alten Töppe zurück?
He wenn man sich 1x Le Creuset kauft kocht man dann immer aufdem Zeug oder greift man dann noch teilweise auf die alten Töppe zurück?
Ich habe vor 5 Tagen Nudeln gekocht und den Topf danach nicht gewaschen. Kann ich den Topf jetzt ohne Bedenken nochmal zum Nudeln kochen verwenden ohne den sauber gemacht zu haben ? Spagetti gibt es 😋
Und geht dass alles über die Blase raus wenn der Darm gereinigt wurde?
Das ist wirklich so nevig also ich hab morgens immer ÜBERHAUPT keinen hunger und muss mich dann dazu zwingen irgendwas in meinen magen zu befördern nur damit mein bauch während des unterrichts nicht knurrt Heute hab ich zwei reißwaffeln und ne banane gegessen und in der schule noch ne waffel ich war voll happy weil…
Habe stundentenfutter gegessen mit Kokos, schokoproteinpudding, haferflocken mit Honig, 10 kleine zuckerfrei Kaugummis gekaut für meinen kiefer und Reis mit huhn gegessen und 350 gramm Beeren und eine gurke
Gesalzene Erdnüsse abspülen? Für mein Shake habe versehentlich die gesalzenen gekauft
Hi, wisst ihr wie viele Kochbücher/Rezepte/ Backbücher usw. es von Dr. Oetker gibt?🙈
Sure, you can use for a lot. I still cook with other pots.
I have a lot of Le Creuset Toepfe, Pans, Small Gratin Bowls etc. I take it as a rule, but also a Schulte-Ufer pan or a huge silite pan with lid.
I think you need different toeps/pans for different dishes.
What are you running a large kitchen with warehouse?
I’ve got one I’m using for dishes, curries and pots of all kinds.
But I still use the other pots and pans for others.
You like to take this, but most of the time, I get to use them when I think of “great”. If I have the cooking so to speak for myself and have time.
I have all my old stainless steel braids from the discounter even almost all of them. In many things like cooking eggs, putting a broth or if the pot is to be quickly in the dishwasher in everyday life, then basically they do it completely.
I wouldn’t buy a complete set of casters. They keep and distribute the heat super, but are also quite heavy. For big bowls or pans, this is great, but for normal pots rather not. At least in my opinion.
It depends. I’ve got a big cuddle in which I cook roasts and stews because he keeps warm for a very long time and goes through things well. For faster dishes I still take the other pots and pans
You have to decide.
I don’t know the brand. I have a set of cheerful silite pots with a 2 liter stainless steel pot and a for 5 liters. A stainless steel bowl and a rectangle pan.
I never miss anything. I don’t know what to hoard cookware. Okay, my grandmother, she had 12 children.
And I’ve got a 90 fiddle. With 5 cooktops. As standheart with a matching large oven. But I can’t use everything at once on cookware.
I only have a medium size, which I have bought to bake bread . I make it very rare, now I take it (the “cococotte “) for stew dishes, but rather seldom. We eat little meat.
I fry in a giant aldi pan – it is used almost every day.
If you buy the set of green kitchen, you can return your old one for 50 euros. You don’t want them anymore.
Ahja and why not? And what do you want me to do with them? Don’t you have anything to do with my question?
That’s what everyone likes, I just have a pot in which everything is done.
What brand?
Cast iron, brand I don’t know… Black .
Only a gusspot, amazing, with only one cooking vessel I have never escaped in my whole life 😅ð😇😇
Le Creuset is heavy cast iron cookware, very well suited for making or frying – no question, but if I only have a small portion, or have to heat or dampen something – then rather in the more handy stainless steel pot….