Nur 1/4 der Züge gelten Verspätet für die DB?
Rund 3/4 der Züge seien Pünktlich betont die Deutsche Bahn.
Aber 1/4 seien Verspätet gewesen.
Laut der Bahn tritt eine Verspätung ein wenn der Zug mehr als 6 Min zu spät ankommt.
Das heisst für sie sind bis zu 6 min ok.
Für mich nicht. Und das Verzerrt die Statistik. Eig sollte ein Zug als Verspätet gelten, wenn er min 2 Minuten zu spät ankommt.
Wenn man nach meiner Statistik gehen würde, wäre sicher mehr als nur knapp die hälfte Pünktlich.
Meine Frage: Wieso Verspätet sich die Deutsche Bahn fast immer?
Für ein Milliarden Unternehmen unprofesionell.
Und vor allem im Besitz des Staates (oder Anteilseigner)
You’re late and have to change. Should the connecting train wait for you – then it is already late – or should it drive away on time? A “Rattenschwanz”… It’s just an example.
And how many are falling out? The train is funny. A quarter is late means three quarters coming for the train at the moment… which is not true. Three quarters are less than 6 minutes late or out of date.
Not always,
where the tracks are absolutely full, logically. And whoever lives thinks like everything, it’s like this, it’s got to be something like that everywhere.
We are a provincial capital, but the long-distance traffic passes us, hot from 9 trains are max. 2 time in use. The trains arrive later rather.
Then route disorders.
Driver failure. No one conjures up from the cold replacement for a driver who does not come to work in the short term.
There are many reasons for delays. It is often the case in regional transport that local transport is overhaul. Here in NRW zb the RE1 from Düsseldorf to Cologne needs only 5-10 minutes delay, then he has to wait in Leverkusen and let several ICEs pass, and swing from +5 to +15min.
Frequently, there are problems with the infrastructure: signal disturbances, defective or disturbed path transitions, soft disorders, maneuver faults or failures, and and and.
Then there are still door and vehicle disturbances, waiting for passengers from the long-distance traffic, or road locks due to zb vandalism damage (zb cable claw), passenger accidents (usually suicides), persons in the track, … or weather-related delays (snow/ice, storm, weather, …)
Lines with a long line path are particularly susceptible to delay. At the first station it starts with a door malfunction and 5 minutes delay, as a result of which an overhaul by the long-distance traffic occurs. As a result, further delay and later again for long-distance traffic to the side. In the further course of a signal disorder, this means that delays of 5 minutes can quickly become 45. Everything has been experienced…
I never understood the six minutes. For me, a train is late as soon as he doesn’t get on time at the station and I don’t reach my destination on time.
Apart from the subject of the lecture, I found the final word best…. with the “revocational culture”.
That’s exactly what’s going on in the pandemic at the moment…. what are Querdenkers other than outrageous data analysis?
Although it’s been two years ago, I believe this explains the situation today very well:
Of course, delays are all the more likely, the closer the schedules are calculated. It is likely that the delay rate could be significantly reduced by simply offering fewer connections and starting the driving times longer. But no one wants that again.
Well, somewhere you have to define “too late”. If I were the train, I would have said six minutes.
Of course, it’s a problem with the thing that I can’t reach my line with 6 minutes late. I’ve been late for at least 20 minutes.
Otherwise, I can’t get a reason against the chosen 6 minutes. But since you have to change constantly, it’s too arbitrary for me as a definition of delay.
(Apart from the fact that 25% delays, especially in a country like Germany, are inconceivable. If I were delayed at work every 4th day, my boss would have a legitimate reason to announce to me)
6 minutes is quite a high tolerance. But to say that half comes too late is wrong.
Why these are too late is to blame the maintenance-needed technique.
In addition, a train can only go on rails, of which there are only 2 or 1 depending on the route. So if one is late, it hits the nuisances, etc…
I personally find that you can at least understand with a 6 minutes delay tolerance.
There are many reasons. Too many to tell you everything. By the way, statistics: trains that fail are not included in the late trains. If, for example, a train is delayed for 10 min, 20 min etc. and then finally fails, it does not count.
Yeah, so? A plane often arrives much later and by car you often arrive much later than expected. There’s no need for six minutes late.
The 6 minutes are fine. My brother-in-law works at DB as a track builder. It happens more often that he needs to get out because it’s e.g. B. People are going to throw themselves before. Animals passing by train or children playing on the tracks. All this and many more are reasons why the train is too late. And for that, jawoll can nix the train.
because they cannot drive faster
but the descent often delays due to the speed of entry
There is another trick in this statistics: trains that have completely failed are not considered to be late.
Oh, God.
Well, they have their tricks too.
I didn’t know, it’s a rough counterfeiting of statistics. For a failed train it would be more correct to indicate the next accessible train to the same destination as the basis of delay. However, this could also be slower than the failed train (Nahverkehr vs IC). It should also be taken into account. If everything could make a computer automatically, would not do much work to guide the statistics correctly.
I recommend this reading / video on the topic.
There are more tricks:
It’s not that easy.
A sheep of the DB will come to work late.
Mug him his boss to whom he’s too late and asks why he’s late.
The Sheep
Sry Boss I drove with the train
What is your question now????????????
Is there?
My question: Why is Deutsche Bahn almost always late?
Because she can.
Everyone knows. Because the DB is a smart load and is not interested in optimization. This is really well known
The train has broken down, distance capacity is not enough, technical disturbances, personnel lack
You wouldn’t do anything better because you had to be a very influential person in the group.
I only saw a report at the last time, where the need for drivers is to be met by 2030 and the route network is to be highly modernised. But I think you’re right. The profit will not last for the first time.
A large part is to lead to the pandemic.
As a sheepswoman or locomotive leader, I would do better, yeah.
And even in the next few years, the DB will certainly not make any profit.
But you think that this 6 billion is to be attributed to one another of the lockdowns and pandemic, right? Instead of always complaining, you should deal with moves and db or just put yourself behind the control lever and make it “better”. :
Right, she should. Isn’t she that, and now? The trains are old, the railings are left with intention to let the state pay, etc.
She should. With upgrades of trains, rails etc.
The DB is extremely need for renovation.
Absolutely not xD On the DB is guaranteed nothing “future-oriented”
Well, the DB would be a Pleite company if it were not strongly subsidized.
The DB must be a future-oriented company.
In Japan, employees apologise if the train is delayed a few seconds.
Different from DB.
No wonder that the 2021 have lost almost €6 billion.
Dear Said,
that is because the web is unreliable.
Who is Said, please?
He also calls me Said, I think he had sex with a Said and doesn’t get him out of his head.