Nummernschild abfotografiert, was jetzt?

Ich brauche dringend eure Hilfe – ich wurde gerade in der 40er Zone überholt und geschnitten (zum Glück ohne Schaden, aber hätte anders laufen können). Da ich mich erschrocken habe und die Situation auch nicht ungefährlich war, habe ich kurz auf die Hupe gedrückt.
Die Fahrerin des Wagens vor mir ist dann an der nächsten Ampel ausgestiegen, hat und hat 2 ampelphasen damit verbracht, an meine Scheibe zu klopfen. Da sie sehr aggressiv gewirkt hat, habe ich sie ignoriert und sie hat mein Nummernschild abfotografiert.

Was mache ich jetzt?! Habe gerade echt Panik und bitte euch, euren entsprechend anzupassen…

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2 years ago

You didn’t do anything wrong. You can’t do anything about taking pictures. But otherwise she can’t do anything against you, at most, that she’s lying to the police. Then you’ll just sign your version and get ready. If you have ADAC legal protection or something similar, you’ll be fine out anyway.

2 years ago

you had enough time to record everything essential incl. License plate time and date. Color and car type

that was, everything else comes out to wait and teetrinken

2 years ago
Reply to  Clemony

I always drink coffee with threatening ads, so I’m right.

2 years ago

Nope. You’re panicking for a splice, which is quite irrelevant. You should have filmed her too when she was knocking on your pane and photographing her license plate. Ready.

2 years ago

So respect that you and all the other two phases were patience. At the latest after 30 seconds, the lady would have been away from my car or from the front man’s car.

What you do now: don’t let yourself lick at A..m. Just laughing about the incident and the stupidity of some people

2 years ago
Reply to  Clemony

What do you want to see? She has nothing in her hands.

2 years ago

Advertisement for killing and good – I hope you noticed the number!

Or do you have Bammel about that?

First? – because you used the horn correctly in a dangerous situation as allowed in the STVO?

Because you’re afraid you’re going to have a bus fee of €5 and even €10 in heavy cases?


2 years ago

I wouldn’t do anything in the after, in the situation I would have contacted the police.

2 years ago
Reply to  Clemony

You wrote above that you had written your license plates, etc., even if it had been gone, you could have given this to the police. Otherwise, for example, in the event of an accident, terms such as “driver flight unauthorized removal from the accident location ” yes could be deleted.

And calm down a little 😉

2 years ago
Reply to  Clemony

And then? Then they would have come and the driver would have gone. That would have brought me something exactly?

That you could explain the problem there and possibly be included.

Since you didn’t do anything (except the benefits of the horn), I don’t know what you’re afraid of; no matter if she made a picture of the license plate.

2 years ago

Yes, I did read that “not”. Sorry.

Only nobody understands you, if you don’t care about it, you don’t want to do anything from your side, why you’re so excited about it and don’t accept the advice that was even the most eloquent.

There is no possibility of a possible display in advance not even if you know that the lady actually represents one. Have you ever thought that she might want trouble with it, so that she wants to let you in the belief that she represents one? If you continue to excite yourself, she has achieved exactly that and you may annoy. You’re in vain.

Ever heard it sounded out of the forest as it calls in?

Yeah, I and you obviously, too, only with you, I guess it goes through your ears, at least currently.

2 years ago

You could have already said on the phone and on site that you were forced to reimburse a message yourself.

Now in retrospect, call the 110? You know this number is for emergencies and not for postage ads.

Who made fun of it? You’re just upset and sometimes you don’t react politely, which I’ve put on your excitement.

If you want to, go to the next police department and make an ad in the afternoon.

2 years ago

Wait and if what comes, present your view of events.

2 years ago
Reply to  Clemony

I have chosen an extra view, because “safe” statement is against statement, unless there would be witnesses that can be driven up, or this traffic light would have traffic lights that would have triggered randomly.

2 years ago

You’re not doing anything. Laugh and forget the whole thing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Clemony

Right, don’t do anything.

2 years ago
Reply to  Clemony

Wow! Drama! She has your license plate. So? Can you see on the photo that you were going? Or that she overtakes you and cut you? Abusive horn costs 5 €. Necessation by blocking on the traffic lights and on-the-disc knocking is significantly more expensive.

2 years ago
Reply to  Clemony

What does she want to do with your license plate? And what does she want to show you for? Don’t worry, nothing happens.

2 years ago
Reply to  Clemony
2 years ago

“Then gnade us God.” Wow, that’s a comment! You asked. And we tried to calm you down. But you want to keep panic. Then the woman reached what she wanted: irritate you.

You should get a thicker coat on the road. Otherwise, the bad ending, mutual swinging out of non-officials has already caused tragedies.

2 years ago

then I’m definitely out. Yes, that’s it, and let me go in peace.

You asked the question here. We just answered you. And neither rude nor wrong.

You can’t know what’s coming.

Yeah, I’m sorry we didn’t jump on your panic train.

And as a good advice: buy a dashcam and put it in your car. You don’t need to panic now.

2 years ago

Or I’ll just call the police and ask the ones who will probably answer me more effectively.

They’ll tell you the same as we…

and if the consequences have, then God graciously, but I’m out.

No, then you’re not out, then you’re up. We’re out from the beginning 😉

Well, do what you can’t leave. But ask me why you ever asked here if you don’t care about our opinion. you think she’s wrong.

2 years ago

Then keep panic and be afraid that’s why you’re going to construction.

Everyone who answered you here wrote the same thing I did. But apparently you don’t want to hear that, but you’re right about your concerns.

2 years ago

Right. And we’ll tell you here that you don’t have to. So stay calm and forget the thing.

2 years ago

How do you know there’s nothing happening?

This is a sense of human health. When the one goes to the police, to whom the photo puts on the table and says: “The one who has touched me,” then the police will take his head and dress the lady out. The officials have far better / more important to do.

You seem like you’re not driving a long car, are you? You have to let yourself grow a thicker coat for road traffic.