Are noodles bad for bulking?

I just can't eat anymore. I ate a plate of pasta, which was maybe 600 kcal with the sauce etc. Now I've been full for hours.

They say noodles are good for gaining weight but these w**ds make me so full

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7 months ago

Noodles go well down, as I find oat flakes or rice clearly saturating

Much eating is also all the practice thing, I was the worst eater earlier and had about 60kg at 1.85m and eaten 1 times a day.

Meanwhile good 95kg and can eat loose 5-6 times a day, all pure exercise

Can easily gradually increase the portions or work with more fat, simply pour olive oil or co over food, 2 tablespoons already nearly 200 calories in it

7 months ago

There are many foods with lots of calories that you can easily add to your diet:

  • Nuts (Cashews, peanuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds,…)
  • Nutme (100% nut!)
  • Healthy fats/oils (petroleum, pumpkin seed oil, olive oil, avocado oil,…)
  • Cereal products ( rice, pasta, oatmeal, bread,…)
  • dried fruit
  • Seeds (seed seeds, linseed, chia seeds,…)
  • avocado
  • Beans, chickpeas,…)
  • Tofu
  • Tempeh
  • self-mixed shakes (with e.g. nuts etc, gives many great recipes online)
  • dark chocolate
  • liquid calories (seed, above-mentioned mass shakes, Fresubin, Y-Food, Fortimel)

Build several small meals over the day, then you don’t have to eat super much at the main meals.

7 months ago

If you want to increase, you need more calories than you consume over the day.

Calories are rich in fat and sugary foods. The usual: chips, chocolate etc.

You can also increase with noodles. It comes to the sauce. Noodles consist almost exclusively of carbohydrates (sugar). Ketchup generally has a lot of sugar but a little fat. Bolognese has fat and sugar. Tomato sauce has little fat and little sugar. Carbonara sauce can be cooked (in Germany) with cream. Cream has vieel fat.

If you want to increase, you should eat very rich and move less in return. Then you do not burn the calories taken to you and they are created as a depot (in fat).

7 months ago

As long as it tastes and is rich in calories, it’s good. You should not pay attention to saturation, just build a lot of meals a day from morning to night