Nsch Frühstück sofort aufs Klo?

Ich frühstücke sogut wie nie. Wenn ich aber mal morgens was esse, dauert es höchstens 45 Min. und ich muss aufs Klo (wenn ich nichts frühstücke muss ich erst ca. mittags).

Nun kann ja das Frühstück nicht innerhalb von 45 Min. verdaut werden, woran kann dessen Auswirkung aber sonst liegen?

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2 years ago

With my child, I could well observe that most of the time after dinner a big deal was due.

I think of the principle, the new food ensures that the old food is moving on and out.

Of course, this is not your breakfast after 45 minutes. Some foods can also be easily identified in the toilet or diaper (heatberries, spinach). 8-12 h in the body the food usually has at least behind it until it comes out again

2 years ago

You don’t have to worry about my husband being like this every day.

2 years ago
Reply to  danitom

It’s normal if you eat something rich in ballast. Is often like

2 years ago
Reply to  Kaazu

We have breakfast different, sometimes there are muesli, then there is a stirrup eggs with butter bread, or even a ham bread with fried eggs and also small pieces of bread with crimped ham, raw sausage, liver sausage, mettwurst, ravine and various cheeses.