ich habe schon seit heute morgen komisches Gefühl nicht nur leichte Augenschmerzen sondern ein Gefühl von Benommenheit.
Dies hat sich so verschlechter das ich 2 mal fast umgekippt bin ich fühle mich irgendwie sehr benommen als wäre ich high (auf unangenehme Weise) zudem ist mir trübe und schwindelig.
Eine Paracetamol hat mir auch nicht geholfen.
Was könnte es sein, was tun ?
Ich bewege mich eigentlich immer oft.
Genommen habe ich nichts ich habe auch nichts konsumiert.
When did you last eat something and what? Do you have a diet?
Did you drink enough? Try as much as you can drink, just water.
Otherwise call 116 117. This is the medical emergency service. If necessary, a doctor will come home.
I don’t have pre-disorders, so I don’t have any eating disorder.
I’ve eaten three meals.
I’ve been drinking more than 1.5 litres.
So what to do?
No one can take your decision. You have to know yourself how bad you feel. 116 117 call or 112 (Rettungswagen)
Are you alone? Are you afraid?
Do you have neck pain? Can come from the cervical spine. Good night.
Yes, headaches have become little better but an emergency is hopefully not.
At 11:00, you’ll go to bed and see how it’s tomorrow.
Otherwise, you know the phone numbers where you can get help.
We can’t do remote diagnostics here.
I’m not alone. And I’m not afraid either. Only the problem is the feeling of sadness is somehow strongly pronounced and somehow does not go away is therefore ratless.
In case of emergency, choose 112, call an emergency doctor.
I felt so bad, and I can tell you one thing: I would no longer have been able to ask a question on GF in the situation. I was about to call the doctor, but it was going to be a little bit back.
Yeah, it’s funny what happened to you?
I don’t know exactly, had very high fever but otherwise no typical influenza symptoms. Also had this unpleasant high-feeling, strong dizziness and saw starlets. It was really bad. Then lay in bed forever.
Let’s go to the hospital or call the 112. How to ask a question for GF in such a case?
Why the hospital is that an emergency is afraid to disturb people there?
Call the medical emergency service at 116117.