Grade in math test?
The math test was about fractions, and I reduced the fractions incorrectly twice. She said it was a half-point or a full-point error. What would my grade be?
The math test was about fractions, and I reduced the fractions incorrectly twice. She said it was a half-point or a full-point error. What would my grade be?
I started my computer science studies three weeks ago and already feel overwhelmed by the material I have to learn. The thing is, until my high school diploma, I never really had to study to get through it, which is why studying is so difficult for me now. I don't really know how to approach…
I have my final German exam in June, and I've chosen the novel "Leben" by David Wagner as one of my four books. Unfortunately, I can't find any analyses online, but I can't figure this out myself. Did any of you also have to read this book for your Abitur or something similar? I'd be…
Is the solution: w= 376.1 mg : 567.5 mg = 0.6627 = 66.27% or do you have to convert something first?
Hello, I've been researching personality disorders since my doctor's letter said I might have a personality disorder, so I've been doing more research. Personally, I think masochistic personality disorder applies to me the most. Do I have a personality disorder? Because I show all the symptoms of it, including behavior, thinking and feelings.
Hey, I'm a 14-year-old girl who's been getting harassed more and more by strange men lately. People are staring at me, blowing kisses, talking to me, and today someone even took a picture of me. I'm not sad, just angry. What can I do about this?
Das kann niemand beurteilen, ohne zu wissen,
wieviele Punkte es gab. Und dann hängt es noch
vom individuellen Notenschema ab.
Wenn es nur 3 Aufgaben gab und eine ist falsch, dann hast du die 6.
Waren es 100 Aufgaben dann darfst du dich über die 1 freuen.