Normale Taschenlampen am Kopf befestigen? Taschenlampe wird zur Stirnlampe?
Gibt es Halterungen, um kleine Taschenlampen am Kopf zu befestigen? Damit ich nicht so viel Kram zu Hause hab? Stirnlampen können praktisch sein, ich brauche sie aber sehr selten.
Buckle belt around the skull and fix flashlight with tape…
It shouldn’t look ashamed. You’re right, in case of emergency.
I asked for extra brackets. headrest replacement headband headlights/dp/B09WVTNLMV
3 seconds Google. Guys…
holding flashlight head
What terms did you use as search terms?
And I don’t have a router, phone with VPN. IP has a lot to do with it! You answer me, I’m kind. But please don’t do so from above as if everything that isn’t going on with others is stupid, I find it arrogant.
Your IP has little to do with it. Once DNS flushen, restart routers and see if it is possible.
You lieutenant, I was looking for nothing. And your link doesn’t work, at least not with my IP! Guys…
Yes, there are headbands that have 2 rubber loops on the side for a small bar pocket lamp.
Is there: Switch-AER-03_2 flashlight headband adjustable headband headband headband headband headlight band/dp/B08BHW8ZKZ–lampen/maglite/zubehoer/nite-ize-stirnband-fuer-lampen,-braun-gruen/rcnistbg