Normale Stimme unglaublich schrecklich?
Hallo, ich hab ein riesen Problem.
Ich hab meine Stimme mal auf mein Handy gehört, und die Stimme war schrecklich!
Das hat ein ganz anderes Bild von mir gemacht.
Und, ich hab ne Frage.
Gibt’s irgendwelche nicht gefährlichen Tricks, die vielleicht meine Stimme etwas ändern, zb irgendwie Übungen??
Bitte, es ist für euch vielleicht nicht si schlimm, aber das passiert bei mir alltäglich, und es ist schrecklich!!
Sehr viele in der Schule ärgern mich auch deswegen, vielleicht weil sie zu unmänlich ist, oder allgemein komisch!!
Besonders jetzt, kommen die hübschen unglaublich hübschen Mädels, und ich möchte nicht dass sie mit kriegen, wie schlimm meine Stimme eigentlich ist.
Allgemein mein Aussehen ist schon grenzwertig, aber auch noch das!!! ??
Hilft mir Bitte!!! 😭😖😫
The voice changes in the puperty, you are just not so far that your throat is growing and often helps to try another style or, for example, to shave away the bartly as a young one or to watch something like monobrow and general body care
It’s best to accept your voice. Otherwise:
With a singing teacher or language teacher/logopäden you get on well.
It has already been helped if you were talking with open throat, throathead below, making the voice clearer and more male. But you have to let this show you.
Can you show me that?? My voice is not my voice!! This is so unbelievable, it sounds almost Assi!! That’s not me!! Never!
It’s too complex. I had lessons for many years. There’s nothing going on. Look if your doctor will write you a visit to the logo holder. From avoiding mental problems.
What you listen to recordings is your voice. She doesn’t know your environment. Only you don’t like them.
Go to YT and find open throat or deep throat and breathing control
Basically, the effect is sufficiently well known that it will make you shiver when you hear your own voice. It’s a lot of people.
You can’t change your voice anyway, you can see at most how it develops with the voice break.
You’ve got a good self-pity phase, my friend, you have to get some more clean with yourself before you talk to any girl.
You can’t just see the bad thing.
But it almost sounds like Assi! 😭
There are so many things in this world.
Why not a voice yoga or something??? I don’t know
That’s your point of view of my colleague. And you can’t change your voice, no.
You clearly worry too much about it, you can’t change it anyway.
Focus on what you can do. Sports, nutrition, clothing etc
You can make an impression. Because if you are self-confident and look at your body, it always comes to 😉
No, nothing. The only thing that can do is your hormones in puberty. And if it’s not over, there’s still something to do.
Not even something for eating or drinking tea ZB or no idea?? Not even that?? But thank you Hoffenheim does something about herself
No, I’m sorry. Take this to heart what I wrote above. And don’t despair.
No do yoga or any exercises change the bit????? BITTE
This is your voice, as they hear all other people. You only hear your own voice differently because you record the sound waves changed (the ears are behind your mouth + inner sound waves in your head).
And I have often heard my voice on a handy
If you’re in puberty, it comes from alone and it’s completely normal that the voice squeaks.
Singing exercises can help train the vocal cords, but it would probably be wiser if you just wait for the end of puberty. On the one hand, the development goes faster, on the other it takes longer.
Not only the squeaking problem, but also so my voice just sounds social or something. I am not!
recorded the voice always sounds different.