Normal, um die Zeit noch Hausarbeiten zu erledigen?
Hausarbeit wie z. B. Wäsche waschen, kochen, aufwaschen oder putzen erledige ich oft nachts. Das ist bei mir wahrscheinlich die Gewohnheit. Schon eine ganze Weile lege ich mich erst gegen 4, 5 oder 6 Uhr morgens schlafen.
Erledigt ihr Hausarbeit auch gerne nachts?
I’ve still learned to be an electrician on the day of my exams. They took place at 10 a.m. in the morning, and I buffaloed until 6 a.m. in the morning. Shortly cracked, then in the shower what is quickly eaten and then to the professional school with a nem bicycle.
It always depends on the person and the will behind it.
If that matches your day activities.
Is also usually at night, for many years already (up to about 4am in the morning). But for a few months it has become “smooth” – usually do not fall asleep before 6 a.m., sometimes even at 8 a.m. But since I rarely have appointments, it is. And so I have. Z. hardly any motivation to change it. If appointments are back in a few weeks, I hope I will make the big change.