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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Probably an overdose. This can happen if you absorb more active ingredient than you can.

The black market is always unclear how potent the stuff you consume is. If you do, you should first take one, two trains and wait. It can take up to 30 minutes until the effects of a dose are fully developed.

Of course, with just 11 years it would be best to do without cannabis and other drugs. Consumption is not unrisk, just at that age. Better wait a while. Maybe it’s even legal in the coming years, so you don’t have to criminalize yourself for it.

General information about the possible effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:

2 years ago

It’s not normal.

2 years ago

Your body seems to have absolutely no shock. Let it go

2 years ago

Your body is trying to fight. You should listen to him and leave something facb.

2 years ago

You owe me. Don’t make the DROGEN!