Normal nach hasch überdosis?
Hey bin w16, ich und eine freundin hatten an freitag bis samstag eine hasch brownies überdosis und wir waren auch im Krankenhaus aber jetzt Montag verspüre ich die ganze zeit soneine angst also auch die ganze nacht und kriege schwer Luft ist das normal? Mein Herz klopft auch so und hab übelkeit.
Should your symptoms get worse, please go back to the doctor. We can’t do remote diagnostics here and don’t know how you’re doing. Therefore, only on the basis of the one you wrote: this can be quite normal if you have got such an overdose.
Try to relax your body and head: Here help exercise, meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, massage, try stretching and stretching, deep breathing and breathing. Otherwise healthy diet, teas and a lot of drinking
Do you have someone you can talk to about the experience?
With 16 your body and brain is still in development. Every drug use can have a negative impact on development. I would therefore advise you to wait a few years with some consumer experiences.
And in general on Brownies: The quantities always measure before and bake portioned muffins so that you know exactly how much is in a muffin. Best bake other muffins at the same time, so that the rest do not fall victim to the fress flash. In contrast to joints, muffins do not work directly, so you do not notice how much active ingredient you are eating right now.
If you want to talk about your consumption, you can send me a message via a friendship request. I work as a social educator at the Mindzone project (acceptance-oriented drug work) and am on the go as a digital street worker online.
Best regards,
Take care of yourself
Alena from the DigiStreet team
Hello mxtkook,
It can be that these are still after-effects of consumption. If it doesn’t get better, I would also recommend you to go to the doctor for a reason.
Best regards
Peter vom DigiStreet-Team der Drughilfe Schwaben
16 days ago you wrote:
Can it be that you occasionally reap a bit hypochondrally?
If it was really hashish in Brownies what you consumed,
then you certainly did not know how much – or how little you need for a ’round trip’.
Not bad. You learn from mistakes (hopefully).
Regarding your acute sensitivities, you should trust that in most cases of cannabis overdose, the unwanted symptoms have disappeared after a few days with sufficient sheep phases.
Well, badly, because of such people, our health insurance contributions are used and places are occupied for correct, legitimate emergencies.
A lump sum prejudice.
Questionmaker could also be privately insured.
In addition, cannabis overdoses are sent back home with correct diagnosis and are not recorded in a stationary manner.
How about a little more criticism of alcohol overdoses?
In ’cause brownies was really hate in there we made them ourselves
Or for alcohol and tablet extracts
Well, according to the logic, health insurance companies should not pay any treatments for illnesses due to unhealthy diet, smoking, too long stays in the sun, etc.
Most importantly, you are completely error-free, the community does not have to pay surprisingly for you one day, and you can celebrate your supposed good manhood.
You probably skipped the experimentation phase during your puberty.
Well, it doesn’t matter whether it is privately or legally insured, in the end a community pays for its mistakes. This is not an accident, but a conscious use of noise.
And with allohol poisonings or the like, I see it as well. They should bear 100% of the costs themselves, both for the police, the DRK and the stay. After that, you don’t do that shit anymore.
Go to the doctor
There are withdrawal symptoms. In 1 hour, the doctors open, he can tell you a little bit. And I would do that in your place too.
Anyone who does not know when withdrawal symptoms occur should not provide remote diagnosis.
Then get back to the hospital!