Normal dass mir mit 16 noch nie Blut abgenommen wurde?
Ist es normal, dass mir noch nie Blut abgenommen wurde oder Zugänge gelegt wurden? Hab mal meine Freunde aus Interesse gefragt bei denen schon mehrmals.
Bei mir sicherlich im Babyalter schonmal. Aber warscheinlich seit 14 Jahren nicht.
Sollte ich das mal machen lassen?
That’s a good sign because you’ve obviously never been so sick that blood withdrawal would have been necessary. In young, healthy people there is no reasonable reason for any medical examinations.
Thanks for the star ðŸTM‚
At J1 or J2 a large blood pattern is actually made…
It was at J1. This was not done thoroughly. Say no blood check, no control of the intimate zone, no urine sample… only vertebral column check and vaccination status checked. Then I wrote the practice by email and asked what is done at the J2 and asked why the things were omitted at the J1. The answer was: The J2 comprises the same investigations as the J1. And blood, urine and intimacy are never done. Was the answer
That’s normal. In case of colds, flu, throat inflammation, etc., blood is not always removed. I wouldn’t let that happen.
Be glad that it has not been necessary. There are women who are 80 and were only 2 times in the hospital in their lives. That was for the release of the two children. Beneiden.
Just be glad there was no reason.
Oh, yeah… you should be really happy with 16