Normal dass die Periode nach 16 Tagen Verspätung immernoch nicht da ist?

Ich bin 13 und hab keine Ahnung was ich machen soll. Meine Periode ist normalerweise Pünktlich aber jetz ist sie 16 Tage zu spät und immernoch nicht da. Was soll ich machen und welche Gründe könnte es geben?

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2 years ago

Hello mmjee

This is normal in the first years and you don’t need to worry, because your body has to get used to the new situation. It will take some time to get your days halfway regularly. It can take months to get your next rule. By stress, shiftwork, holiday trips etc., the cycle can also get out of the clock again and again later.

Greetings HobbyTfz

2 years ago

In the beginning, it’s normal that she’s late or stays completely out. Don’t worry about it

2 years ago
Reply to  mmjee

You’re in puberty, there’s a difference in the body. If you’ve had a lot of stress lately, it could still be.
But I think you could hardly be pregnant, so you shouldn’t worry too much about it.

2 years ago

If you had no intercourse, you shouldn’t worry.

For example, I have my days for 4-5 years and with me it is very often (also in succession) so that my days are a complete month.

The most common reasons are: pregnancy, hormone conversion or puberty, and perhaps a change in nutrition

I guess it’s just puberty with you

2 years ago

No body is a clockwork and especially in young years, the period can also have outliers. Even later, it’s not unusual.

2 years ago

It could be that your body is not a machine.

Don’t worry, they’ll come back sometime.

2 years ago

If you could be pregnant, do a pregnancy test. There’s no more to do. Only if she’s overdue for 3-4 months should you make an appointment with the female doctor. Common causes are: underweight, stress.