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1 month ago

It may happen that at the end of the money there is still a month left. But it should not be normal. You should then change anything, either professionally or by recognizing and using savings potentials.

1 month ago

This is a normal state in many households, which, in addition to tight finances, has to do with the fact that the (nap) money is not allocated.

Even at times when I really didn’t have much money, it’s always been enough. I ran on my head, at best, when the next payment was in the house.

In the family there was always a financial planning that went for months or the whole year.

1 month ago
Reply to  Altersweise

Even at times when I really didn’t have much money, it’s always been enough.

That’s what surprises me in retrospect

In my studies, I had 850 euros + child money available in the month and have to pay rent (WG), car and my entire living. Sure at the end of the month I was always at 0 but still has been for leisure and holidays.

Now I earn significantly more, clearly I can save, but somehow I give out much more.

1 month ago
Reply to  Rolajamo

This is the luxury of professional life, especially when you earn decently. But you don’t forget how tomato sauce tasted with spaghetti – every evening. 😁

1 month ago

Even if it should be “normal”, this is still a state where you should change something urgently! The easiest way to do this: assemble your revenues and expenses. So, really write up everything that comes in and goes out. As detailed as possible.

Then you will see where exactly your money is “destined” and where you should watch to lower your expenses. Also, you can plan all the expenses that don’t come every month, but still come at some point, by going down to the month and knowing how much money you have to keep for it.

The alternative would of course also be to increase revenue. This is not always so easy…

In any case, you should really get MINDESTENS well with your money over the month, so that money and month end at least at the same time. It would be much more recommendable if money remains and you could save yourself a certain safety pad! At least one net monthly salary should actually be “on the high edge”, better would be three. All that goes beyond that can be done in the long term. But as I said – first come with the money and see that at least a few reserves can arise!

1 month ago

“Normal” I can’t say, but it happens. It depends sometimes on how much you deserve. I do an education and I am very dissatisfied with the remuneration. But even though I get too little, I’ll deal with my money carefully, so it’s enough for the next month. However, there is the detail that my husband deserves relatively well (but not really much). He can also handle his money carefully and we can therefore live a comfortable life. We make monthly purchases on the Internet, sometimes even 2 times on the Internet and yet our money is not immediately gone. That’s because we know about it. I think that life is not just food and other vital things; You should also enjoy something to enjoy yourself.

But the problem is to waste money in such a way that it is quickly exhausted and then you still have the trinity to borrow from other money to pay your debt.

In this respect, I have no debt myself, but my husband has some. However, these debts still come from a time when he was reckless and did not properly reflect. And even if we’re close to cash at random, I don’t ask anyone for money, and I’ll advise my husband. I think it is very negative to get used to being constantly dependent on others.

I know people who spend their money as if there was no morning, and the next day they whim around and want to borrow money. Such people are a block on the leg for everyone, and I prefer to keep away from them.

1 month ago

Normally, I don’t think so. But I don’t think it’s normal, where all the money lands, which is so suddenly missing…

1 month ago

You usually know what money comes in. It’s badly planned to get the most out by the middle of the month.

1 month ago

In school, education and studies normal.

But with full-time job no. Not normal. Think many can’t save great, but if the money is already in mid-month, then something goes wrong.

1 month ago
Reply to  Jack334

I don’t know how normal or what it’s like, probably happens a lot.

If that was the case with me, I’d change something. That’s how you can never save anything and every medium new acquisition will tear you away. Even if only 300 euros.

1 month ago

The fact that the last week of the month can be very exhausting is normal, but the middle of the month is very early even for low earners or citizens’ money recipients.

1 month ago

It is not normal, only it is difficult today to keep excess cash

1 month ago

This is normal if one meets one of the following categories A man deserves too little B you can not budget with his money.

1 month ago

When I worked in kindergarten, the middle of the month was not yet,but the end of the month

1 month ago

Yeah. At the end of the money is still so much month left

1 month ago

No, you’re not, so are many.

1 month ago

I’m sure you’re not the only one to hear it more often.

Personally, my money is loose for the whole month.