Normal das die Reifen so sind?
ich hab mal auf mein Auto geguckt und mir fällt auf das bei der Hinterachse der Reifen Abstand in Radhaus Kasten nicht identisch ist
Sowohl auf der Hebebühne als auch normal auf der Straße sieht das Auto so aus
Vorne 55mm tiefer
Hinten 30mm tiefer
Woran kann das liegen ?
im Voraus
As long as the car drives straight, if you release the steering wheel briefly, this is completely normal. It is important that the chassis and steering are technically perfect and not whether it looks beautiful from the outside.
whether the wheels are sitting in an exact straight exhibition completely symetrically in the wheelhouse is more a question of design or carosserie construction. at the latest in the question of a conversion to larger/wider tyre/felt it could become a problem
This depends on the design of the axis. In your case, I think that the wheel performs a circular arc when springing in.
Because he was built like that?