Noriker ohne Sattel ausreiten?
Hier mal ne Frage an diejenigen die sich gut mit pferden auskennen oder eins haben 🙂
Also ich bin mit meinem Noriker schon öfters ohne Sattel ausreiten gewesen, jedoch nur im Wald, damit ich falls ich runterrutsche oder so, mir einen baumstamm zum aufsteigen suchen kann, da ich ohne Hilfsmittel nicht ohne steigbügel hoch komme (Bin zu klein).
Jetzt würde ich aber super gerne ein paar Wiesen wege reiten, bin mir aber total unsicher… An manchen stellen gibt es einen kleinen Hügel, wo ich eventuell aufsteigen könnte, aber sonst auch nichts mehr.
Was denkt ihr? Soll ich es einfach auf ein kleines Risiko, damit ich nicht wieder auftseigen kann machen?
How are we supposed to answer that? It’s just your decision to take the risk or not.
In case of emergency, you just have to walk a little longer next door. It’s good if that’s your only problem, what you’re thinking about and not that you could possibly hurt yourself in a fall.
I also like to ride out with Pad with my mare, but this is also the only one that is halfway from mine in the terrain. So if your horse is good, it’s much more fun than saddle. And I think that if you flee, you’ve got completely different worries than you’ve got to lead to the next tree stump for 10 minutes. 😜
If your horse is a reliable horse on the ground, do what you’re doing right.
Because of the lack of acquaintance: then you have to hope that you stay up;) or then you have to look for a little longer for an ascent.
Please remember, without riding a saddle is not insured! You’ve got a certain insurance.
I hope I could help you. :
You shouldn’t ride that much without saddle. That’s the problem.
He has a very stable muscle and of course I don’t ride every week without. I don’t think it hurts him much if I ride (flying weight for him) down and down to the muscles without a saddle. He doesn’t have any problems with it. So if someone has problems because of no saddle, that’s more like all the raw ponies from the public burials…
Just because it’s worse elsewhere, it doesn’t make you better.
Most of the Norwegians are fat, but definitely not a “muscle sparrow”.
If you want to do that, stop. Either you stay up there (why do you even have concerns? Don’t sit well enough to stay balanced up?) or not.
Then you’ll have to run n pieces until you find a bank, a tree trunk or anything else.
You don’t cling with your hands or with your hands. I don’t have a problem with it if you ride without a saddle, but I also make the statement with the clinging is stupid.
How about the man if you have to hold on
Neither. You sit balanced on the horse, you hold nowhere. Pure balance. You shall not impede the horse in his movement but support.
If you have to cling somewhere to avoid falling down, you have no good seat, are not in balance and disturb the horse in the course of movement. Neither reins nor legs are there to hold, but I’m sure you know that at least with the reins.
Oh, okay… then I cling to the reins, isn’t a problem, I can do ^-^
You don’t stick with your legs! Maybe you should take good lessons.
He is also tensed with a 2nd (skin), which is not really fat, which is already muscles I mean:) And yes, because of the seat, everything would have to work, but I’m from the body size, not exactly what I’m supposed to have the best hold with my legs.
If you can’t get up, you just have to walk.
I can also climb up from the ground, but it is also a smaller horse.
Yeah, you can do that. If you really slip down, you’ll have to run a little bit until there’s another way to climb. But in principle there is nothing against
If you feel safe, why not? If there’s nothing to get up, you’ll take him for a while, you won’t break your neck out of the crown.
Usually you don’t have to go down and otherwise you’ll keep him until the next opportunity. So am I.
If you tend to fall down, you shouldn’t ride without a saddle, nor should you ride out.
to get back up, you should take a few volti lessons.
climbing on an unsatteltes horse is not a question of the size of the horse or the rider.
in the age of 12, 13, 14, I often asked private horses whether I can ride a round one. in the rule came the saying: “If you can get up without a saddle…” I was allowed to ride IMMER. horses with 1,70m stockmass were quite difficult to climb at 1,50m, but it worked every time;))