Nordlicht Tour Tromso?
Ich fliege im Oktober mit einer Freundin nach Norwegen in die Stadt Tromsø . Nun wollen wir eine Nordlichttour machen. Und wollten fragen von welchem Anbieter ihr Touren gemacht habt. Von get your guide weiß ich aber davon sind wir noch nicht so überzeugt.
Get Your Guide is not a provider, it is a brokerage portal where the actual providers themselves offer different tours. We stayed there in January, but did not book a Northern Light Tour on the portal as we spent a few days in a lounge that is still around 180 km northerly. Once there we were able to photograph Northern Lights when they were almost barely visible. Otherwise we had 10 days mostly covered sky, even last night on Hausberg Storsteinen the weather was halfway good, but no Aurora borealis in sight.
Many tours lasted several hours and lead to Finland to almost reach the Russian border. Always count with any problems. Be it that there are no lights, the weather does not fit or the traffic conditions there do not play along. There’s no escape. In October already snow can fall and it can rain properly, warm clothes are so popular.
Otherwise, let your abdominal feeling play, websites always look pretty and colorful, but do not automatically correspond to reality. Nevertheless – in Tromsö one is well organized tourist, so what can be done wrong is not actually possible.