Noch nie beim Frauenarzt. Was dem Arzt sagen?
Ich bin 34 Jahre und war noch nie beim Frauenarzt. Ich hab mich nicht getraut und es immer verdrängt. Oder es mir vorgenommen und dan doch nicht gemacht.
Jetzt hab ich für ende des Monats einen Termin und habe Angst dass sie mich fragt, wo ich vorher zum Arzt hingegangen bin oder sie wissen will, wann die letzte Untersuchung war, oder so.
Was soll ich da sagen? Das ist mir schon unangenehm und auch irgendwie peinlich.
Lieben gruß
You don’t have to be embarrassed, I worked with the gynecologist for many years, we had patients who weren’t with the female doctor for over 40 years.
So that you know what’s coming to you, I’ll describe the procedere with the female doctor:
First you talk and you’ll tell why you’re coming.
Then you can say that you’ve never been with a female doctor.
If a preventive and initial examination is carried out, it will run approximately as follows:
You release the upper body and the chest is scanned, then you pull your upper part back and you free the lower abdomen. A long shirt, or a skirt are always helpful so you don’t feel naked.
Then put on the chair, the outer genitals are scanned, after which the vagina is scanned.
There are very small speculations, which are still filled with vaseline beforehand, so it can be examined by the vagina of the mother’s mouth and taken with a cotton carrier a smear from the opening of the cervix to investigate the HPV virus.
It is important that you try to relax during the investigation. The vaginal ultrasound is made with a narrow ultrashell head.
The end intestine is scanned.
After that you can wear yourself again. You may need to give a urine sample.
I wish you all the best for your first visit.
Thank you for your contribution. So I know what’s coming to me and I don’t think so much anymore and feel a little safer.
Just tell the female doctor the truth. It’s not your duty to go to the female doctor and it doesn’t have to be embarrassing to you either. A good doctor doesn’t blame you either.
I was similar at that time. I was almost 30 years old when I first became a female doctor. I then said right at the beginning that I’ve never been to the female doctor. He then explained the individual steps very well.
If you were there often enough, he won’t explain what he’s going to do next.
Don’t worry, that’ll be all right, don’t worry. Wish you all the best!
Hello..dir doesn’t have to be embarrassed.
Just say why you’ve never been to the FA.
It’s nothing bad.
Lg Sky…🌞🌞🌞
Thank you for your advice. I have to go on 30.1. I’m kind of nervous, but I’m sure it will. I’m glad I got an appointment at all.
Thank you.
Oh, the answer should be for everyone.
Doesn’t know how to answer here.
Thank you for giving me courage. I was wondering why I was so ashamed or scared. There’s no reason for that.
It’s not bad, it’s not a duty to go to the female doctor.
If you had no complaints, you don’t have to go there either.
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I have to go there Tuesday. How are you doing this to get the next check date?
After you have been examined, you go back to the reception and ask for a next appointment in half a year? I’ve seen it regularly before. It’s important about cancer, etc.
Just say right at the beginning that you’ve never been to the female doctor before. Then she knows and can save further questions. She also knows that she should explain all the steps.