noch keine Periode aber etwas anderes?
ich habe meine Periode noch nie im leben bekommen, aber gestern Abend hatte ich ein schlechtes Gefühl und nur wenn ich auf Klo saß, haben diese schmerzen aufgehört.Es kam kein Blut raus, aber sowas wie seife und nein ich hatte noch nie im leben mein erstes mal oder etwas anderes.Sowas ist mir nur gestern passiert.Sonst hatte ich diese schmerzen wo ich 8 war oder so aber nicht diese seifen ding.Ich dachte sogar gestern das ich meine tage bekommen werde, aber ist nicht passiert und heute geht es mir gut.Woran liegt das?Ist es vielleicht ein Zeichen das ich meine tage bald bekommen werde oder nicht?Wie gesagt ich hatte diese schmerzen so oft nur da kam nicht was mit seife raus
what looked like was probably white flow. he’s normal as long as he doesn’t smell weird. it can be a sign that you will soon get your first period. best wear a slip insert and do not tie your underpants dirty 🙂
Something like soap? Women have white flux that is almost the cleansing of your body for the interior of your vagina.
It’s like the name already says white and as long as it doesn’t smell funny or discolor it’s okay.
They have always, only the strength varies. He often gets a little stronger shortly before the period.
Some women, however, also generally have stronger white flux, other women are very light.
But everything is completely normal.
It can be quite a hint that you will soon get your first period. It can also take a year or more.
Maybe the white river was.
have to endure. But don’t get over it. Period is annoying.
Why do you get white?
This white flux is an important protection for your inner sexual organs: the uterus, the egg guides and the ovaries. For he transports everything that may have come into the vagina to the outside again. Part of this moisture comes from glands at the entrance to the uterus, the larger part penetrates from the interior of the body through the vaginal wall. For all girls who first notice the white flux, this is also very practical: they can then calculate that it takes about a year before the 1st rule will come. So you can set yourself up for it in peace. Cool, right? Source:
Sounds like white flow, it can be that in combination with underlying pain it is a sign that you can get it soon. How old are you?