Noch gute Augen bekommen?

Hab 0,5 Dioptrien am rechten Auge und Frage mich ob ich das Auge heilen kann

Ist es vllt deswegen weil meine Augenmuskeln angespannt sind weil ich viel Handy zurzeit schau

Wenn ich aufhöre Hand zu schauen kann das noch gut werden

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8 months ago

It won’t work. The short-sightedness is related to growth and predisposition.

In the case of long-sightedness as a child, in some cases, this goes back later, but in the case of short-sightedness it does not happen.

It certainly makes sense not to just look at the phone and also to the distance. Only you can’t promise too much. Whether short-sightedness continues to grow is pure happiness and you will hardly be able to influence it.

8 months ago
Reply to  seefeld115926

This is in fact not true with short-sightedness- I know very many who were short-sighted and now sometimes even wear glasses. It’s the same with me. I had left earlier (so 3 years ago) 2.0 dioptrics, meanwhile I only have 1.5. it is possible that this is improved – but does not have to. Watch a lot in the distance and less short

8 months ago

if I can heal the eye

In order to heal something, something in your case your eye must be sick. It’s not. The -0.5 dpt are a construction error of your eye, it has grown somewhat too long. So that your eye would come into the optically “right” length, d3 would have to shrink an eye. It doesn’t do as much as your foot if you wanted to get to 43 from the shoe size 45.
By mid/end 20, the eye will continue to grow udn very likely also become more short-sighted. You can’t do anything about that. The only chance that this process is slower is to keep you approx. 2 hours outdoors, then the chance is given that the eye grows somewhat slower. This is scientifically proven, but it doesn’t have to be, but can.
So, accept the situation, everything else doesn’t use you.
Nice weekend.

8 months ago

Dioptrics are a unit of measure for the misunderstanding. Eye muscles can be loaded by screen work, but a cure of dioptrics is unlikely.

there are always fairy tales and stories that you can train dioptrics away that is absolute bullshit. Mostly just money making

8 months ago

If you’re short-sighted, it’ll never go away, it’ll get worse. That’s what’s at me.