Noch einmal fragen ob ich jetzt einen Arzt aufsuchen wollte?
Also nochmal ich habe Basketball gespielt und den Finger umgeknickt aber es wird immer blauer. Außerdem kann ich den oberen Teil des Fingers schwer bewegen es fühlt sich so an als wär dort alles voll mit Blut oder so etwas.
Now at night, it’s not sensible to look for a doctor.
But there is the free phone number 116 117. – Medical emergency service |
You’ll get competent advice from the medical standby service and the address of the next doctor’s practice that can help you.
Good improvement mary
If you can still move your finger, you don’t have to go to the doctor or medical professional. I used to like playing basketball and dusting on my thumb, but it was completely better in two weeks. It helps to tap the finger so that you prevent dusting again and stabilizes much faster and more effective. You can cool it too. If you can’t move your finger or show something unusual to your finger, which shouldn’t be normal anymore, I’d recommend a check-through from the pediatrician, D doctor or medical professional.
I assume it’s a simple blue spot, but because I’m not a doctor or I’ve studied medicine, I can’t say it with certainty. If the blue spot gets bigger or turns red, you should consult a doctor. It’s probably just upset.
Who a dipping a big problem
Absolutely not. As long as you can move your fingers and have no unbearable pain, it should leave alone.
Would go to the doctor. My finger looked just like that and I am also a doctor
In order to exclude a fracture, an X-ray image would be useful. You can’t say what’s missing from the photos. Can be just a bleeding, a swelling, or a break.
Oje yes you should be a doctor may be broken
I’m really worried
But that’s why you don’t have to be afraid
Take something to read….to the medical emergency service.
Taken and continue in the program…
Yes, what are the reasons? There is a free health system