Nitrat, Ladung?


warum ist ein Nitrat-Ion einfach negativ geladen, bzw. warum ist dies überhaupt möglich, wenn die insgesamt drei Sauerstoff Atome sechs Elektronen aufnehmen und das eine Stickstoff nur fünf Elektronen abgeben kann (NO_3).

Muss es das nicht insgesamt ausgleichen? Es sind ja sechs Elektronen die aufgenommen werden können und fünf die abgegeben werden.

Zudem hatte ich die Frage ob es sich bei Nitrat (NO_3) um ein Ion oder ein Salz handelt und was der Unterschied jeweils ist.

Und gibt es sonst noch Beispiele welche sich so perplex verhalten?

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2 years ago

The nitrate ion is the acid residue of nitric acid (HNO3). If HNO3 splits off an H+, NO3 remains logically.
You will not find a vessel in which you have pure NO3 present, which is only available in solvated form in solutions.
Therefore, the NO3 “misses” quasi a binding partner. With an H+, as already mentioned above, it becomes HNO3, or nitric acid, with all other cations it becomes a classic salt which is then actually also seen in powder form. From silver nitrate (AgNO3) to potassium nitrate (KNO3) to ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) there are many ways to bind NO3. So yes, as you have already written, it should compensate, but ions either have an electron deficiency (positively charged) or an electron excess (negatively charged). These charges are compensated when positive and negative particles join each other. Nevertheless, both particles can be present separately as positive and negatively charged ion in solutions.

To the question of the difference between an ion and a salt: an ion is a component of a salt. Salts always consist of a cation and an anion. The charges should compensate for this, so that the salt is neutral at the end. So you always need as much positive as negative charges. Unequal charges attract what is probably the basis of salt formation. When salts are dissolved in water, the cations and anions from which the salt consisted separately from one another are again present in the water.

2 years ago

6. Electron comes from the hydrogen atom which splits off as proton. In the compounds which are usually salts, the charge is compensated for by the metal cation.