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4 years ago

If you have to decide on a case-by-case basis, it also depends on how many holders who already had and how he was treated but I wouldn’t buy over 150000km. The 350Z gets credible in hearing running performance problems with oil pressure. But as I said, look at the vehicle and make a test drive, 8500 are also a lot for 200000 km so you would have to get better for a narrower course

4 years ago

No, the kilometers aren’t too high. Even though there is a possibility in Switzerland that some high kilometers are below.

4 years ago

In principle, the motor from the car is quite durable if you handle it reasonably and care well.

Only; let’s be honest – most of them buy 350z for rum heating. I wouldn’t buy it on the basis of the information you give here.

4 years ago

Nissan 350z, 200’000km?

I don’t know where anyone’s going to know? Look at the speedometer, the length of the track is on it.

4 years ago
Reply to  mmmdksjsjs

Look what you asked. I always answer the question.

4 years ago
Reply to  checkpointarea

Do you read the question?

4 years ago
Reply to  sQuipzz

Of course I read them. I always recognize them at the question mark. I answered your question too.