Nipple piercing for large breasts?
I wanted to ask what you think about nipple piercings for large breasts?
Or does anyone have one and can tell me what it's like?
I wanted to ask what you think about nipple piercings for large breasts?
Or does anyone have one and can tell me what it's like?
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It doesn’t make any difference whether big or small. Breast is breast. Piercings are piercings.
And whether that looks good always depends on the person (and chest) himself. It is important that you feel comfortable with it, know the risks and decide for it because you want it. I don’t wear mine so often, the sting was really nasty and the healing was super annoying, but I like it very (and also have big breasts). I probably wouldn’t let her do it again.
Okay, thanks for your answer. How are yours if I can ask?
I do not understand the question
Ah Oke, thank you again
I have e baskets
Oh, sorry, auto-correction hit again. I meant how big yours are
I’m W21 and after a long time thought I finally made an appointment for both. Just because it makes the nipples more sensitive and you can see them without bh I find interesting. But even so they make something really visually true whether in big or small boobs
Of course depends on piercing, but I generally like it 😊
Find nipple piercings well, no matter what size. With large breasts it looks better
I don’t think so. But there are many who like it.
I don’t think it’s so exciting, I don’t think it’s going to be so exciting.
Optic can already irritate it. If the haptic comes to it, I’d rather have it, of course. The tongue can play wonderfully with the nipples, pamper your hands and much more. Here I would feel a piercing rather disturbing.
My partner & I love the “Orale” as an incident. Or do you feed a beef roulade with a roach needle? Whether breast (& My is not a small) or intimate area … This remains a meat jam without a metal hook;)
Maybe okay