Ninebot G30d II tunen?
Moin, wollte mal fragen ob es eine Möglichkeit gibt den ninebot gd30 max II zu tunen? Kaufe mir demnächst einen und finde 20kmh langweilig. Habe gehört das wenn man dem mit Scooter Hacking Utility Tunet, das der Controller dann kaputt geht wegen der neuen Version.
Ja ich weiss dass es illegal ist, werde es nur im Privatbereich fahren
As far as I know, Segway has successfully revised its scooter firmware several times since the release of the G30D I and especially for protection against manipulations.
For this reason, it should hardly be possible to manipulate the whole thing without a complete root and a foreign company.
And if I buy a new one and don’t even connect to the ninebot app, but directly with Scooter Hacking Utility?
The scooter is delivered with pre-installed firmware. In order to connect to the app, you will also not come around as a one-time registration and the reputation of an instruction video of the vehicle at Segway is required to unlock it.
This only works with the app in simultaneous connection with the scooter.