Nimmt Paypal Gebühren /zinsen?
Ich hatte heute Morgen nicht genug Geld in meinem Girokonto , Paypal wollte mir 26,18 Euro abziehen wegen einem Kauf. Nun… jetzt kam ich eine Nachricht dass ich auf Paypal 29,18 Euro einzahlen muss zum Ausgleich, sind also 3 Euro mehr.. sind das die Zinsen/gebühren quasi als Strafe?
The Repayment fees they are going to Yours Load.
You should now Fastest trade:
PayPal makes a debit attempt, and if it fails, then still a single others.
And if he fails again, their collection service will KSP and you don’t really want to.
You can also do the following:
Click: How can I deposit money on my PayPal account?
In addition, you might need to add a credit card to ensure future payments.
This is also interesting:
Click: Getting Started
Oh, yeah, you’re hopefully Yearly, right?
Your bank has placed the direct debit of PayPal, and PayPal has charged fees for it.
This fee would like PayPal back from you, of course.
That’s right.
Paypal is NOT the Caritas. Of course, they work for fees. They shall be deducted from the payee.