Nimmt ihr die Pille als Verhütungsmittel? Was für Nebenwirkungen habt ihr und würdet ihr sie empfehlen?
Ich bekomme meine Periode immer pünktlich und regelmässig, sie dauert immer zwischen 3-4 Tage. Könnte sich das mit der Pille ändern?
Was für Nebenwirkungen habt ihr und würdet ihr sie empfehlen?
I’m honestly not a fan of hormone-influencing drugs, because they just mess the body. Is also logical, otherwise they wouldn’t bring anything 🤷 ♂️
LG 😊
What would you recommend as a contraceptive (other condom)?
Besides the condom, I would actually find nothing really acceptable, as it is either too insecure, or just influences the hormone balance.
Thank you for the star ⭐
Hey, you,
I’ve been taking the pill for almost three years and have no problems.
I’m super right and really don’t notice any of the side effects.
And yes, I recommend the pill. It is a safe contraceptive, of course, one takes it correctly.
Only if you have ONSs more often, you should also prevent a condom.
In a firm relationship, this is something else.
What I find super is that I always know exactly when my bleeding begins.
I’ll take the mini pill, but not for prevention, but for endometriosis. I don’t get my mensis anymore and I’m very happy about it. I have no side effects