Nimmt der Akku meines iPhones schaden, wenn ich das iPhone konstant auf meinem wireless-charger docked lasse?

Mein iPhone ist schon 3 Jahre alt und der Akku ist schon nur noch bei 87% Maximale Ladekapazität. Dennoch plane ich das iPhone noch lange nicht auszuwechseln und will deswegen am besten weitere Schäden verhindern.

Die Wireless Charging Station habe ich erst seit gestern, deswegen kenne ich mich nicht so gut damit aus, wie sehr es dem iPhone schaden könnte.

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4 months ago

Hello! It is understandable that you are worried about the battery health of your iPhone. Here are a few tips to maximize your battery life:

1. Keep an eye on temperature: Avoid charging the iPhone in hot or cold places, as extreme temperatures can damage the battery.

Two. Not constantly fully charged: Do not keep your iPhone at 100% on the charging station. Try to keep the charge between 20% and 80% to save the battery.

3. Enable optimized charging: iOS offers a function called “optimized charging” that learns when you usually take your iPhone from the charger to charge it up to 80% and just before you need to bring it to 100%.

4. Discharge regularly: Charge your iPhone occasionally and unload it to around 20% to calibrate the battery.

With these precautions you can extend the life of your battery. Great success with your new charging station! 😊

4 months ago

Wireless Charging can damage to the battery due to heat development. In addition, it is significantly less powerful/slower (max. 5W, with MagSafe max. 15W), than charging on the cable (up to 30W at iPhone 15). I don’t see the advantages of wireless charging…

The full battery should not be permanently attached to the charger, whether with or without cable.