Nikotinshock hält zu lang an?
Ich (w/12) hatte vor ner 45min-1h übelst den Nikotinkick habe dann aber einfach weiter geraucht obwohl es sich angefühlt hat als hätte ich safe so einen großen joint geraucht und es ist zwar ein bisschen weggegangen aber noch nicht komplett, ist das normal also hatte schon paar mal nen kick aber nicht so krass also ist das normal das es so lange anhält? Bitte sagt mir jetzt nicht “rauch doch garnicht mehr bist viel zu jung” oder so mache das eh seit 2 jahren und weiß selbst das es scheiße ist.
So, child.
is correct, however! You’re too young for that.
Obviously, it’s not shit enough. At least you have no problems with disregarding applicable laws.
No. It’s not normal at your age! Normally, if you leave the fingers of products for which you have not yet reached the statutory minimum age. But if you still want to ridicule yourself by your actions and confirm that you are mentally not mature enough for that…. Until you understand, it’ll be a few years.
The nikotin “flash” is actually a poisoning. Just in the old one, you shouldn’t smoke so much that you can get a flash from it. I think if you poison your body too much longer until the signs of poisoning disappear again, as it takes longer for your body to dismantle it.
You probably feel better now, but :
Then change it, now. Tobacco kills about as many people as AIDS, all other drugs (nicotine is of course also a drug), traffic accidents, murders and suicides combined.
And smokers are usually made in the youth period – non-smoker also.
Good day