Fighting nicotine addiction alone?
I have been addicted to nicotine for a long time
I have now stopped smoking for financial reasons and use snuff to avoid withdrawal symptoms
I have a girlfriend now who doesn't really care, but she doesn't like it. But a friend of hers said to me yesterday: "If you really love her, you'll stop." (Her boyfriend quit smoking weed because of her.)
However, the problem with nicotine withdrawal that I experienced is
I fall into a state of severe depression.
The last time they were so bad that I was out of school for 3 days until I smoked one again
That means if I say today I'm going to stop using snuff, I'll be depressed for the next few days because of it, we're writing maths which I don't understand, and I'm in the 10th grade, so I'm graduating
What is the best way to break free from nicotine addiction?
(Without the withdrawal symptoms having such a bad impact on my life again?)
Hi DragonHawk216, 👋
no, nicotine does not
dependent, still addicted!
In smoking there is a tobacco dependence,
and Tobacco addiction (no nicotine addiction).
the individual expert
Prof. Dr. Bernhard-Michael Mayer
University of Graz
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
The classification of nicotine
as addiction of
Current literature
not supported [8]!!️
Nicotine- Really Dangerous?
You should be better DAMPFEN!
That’s not what your friend’s girlfriend’s doing.
With a change to ne e-cigarettes you have
the best chance to create with the
Stop smoking. The
E-cigarettes also invented.
The best way to get
Tobacco dependency (not nicotine dependency!)
if you’re on steam temporarily.
LG 🙋🏻
Have you ever tried tabac-free snus or refillable e-cigarettes? Overall, you’re on a good way to stop smoking. I think your friend knows that. Would you like to talk to your girlfriend about it? With the Schnupftabak better on vacation than stop before a math work.
No problem… that doesn’t exist.
Although many claim something else and there are countless reports on the net, it is a myth.
Smoking is also from 18, Schnupftabak as well.
E-cigarettes are proven to be the most effective method to get away from tobacco dependence. You can bend the nicotine dependence. It doesn’t exist. This was accepted by the public, but was revised more than 10 years ago.
The fact is that smoking cigarettes has one of the highest known dependency potentials. This will be artificial.
Many nightshade plants have nicotine and you will not depend on them, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, potatoes or NET products, such as nicotine sprays, chewing gums, plasters.
Now the dummies come out of their holes again and nerve that the concentration and quantity in other nightshade plants is much lower. That’s correct, but it’s not the reason. A R1 cigarette also has almost no nicotine anymore. However, it has a comparable dependency potential as any normal Marlboro. Ergo… it’s not the nicotine.
The point is when you have built up tobacco dependence by smoking, then the body demands nicotine. Example as suggested here is a change to e-cigarettes, but with nicotine in liquid, and indeed with a high concentration.
You’re going around. The body gets what he wants at the beginning. This means that it can work without withdrawal symptoms.
ABER… after some time, tobacco dependence gradually decreases, despite further use of nicotine. Anyone who arrives at the point can easily reduce the nicotine further and further without withdrawal symptoms, up to NULL.
The worst part of dependency is the physical dependency. Now there’s still the psych you’ve been accustomed to through your daily rituals. This is just a small step…
Happy You… and stay healthy
Greeting, RayAnderson 😉
Goes quite simply: Put outdated knowledge from the 1850s from research on mice to the files and accept that there is no nicotine dependence in humans. This has been scientifically proven for about 50 years. There is a smoke dependence, but it has nothing to do with nicotine. Even the otherwise very slow WHO has understood that. And it’s your “nicotin dependency” story.
And now you can address your smoke dependency and fight them specifically.
You will also have to fight against your self-trained habit. Both on a blow…. this is not for many alone.
So you realize that you will not be able to do your project on your own.
So why not fight the dependence on smoke first and then lay down the habits first? If you don’t get this on your own, you need professional help.
This does not correspond to the facts. The WHO still maintains a search potential of nicotine, even regardless of the classic “smoking” and in this context clearly and unambiguously criticises the e-products. That the WHO claims that nicotine is not addictive is a rumor that, with the introduction of the e-cigarettes, is repeatedly flaming up when isolated studies prove that e-cigarettes offer less disease potential. (To read here, besides the overall context, in the penultimate paragraph.)
That can’t be
Because, as I said, I stopped smoking and I moved to Schnupftabak, which also contains nicotine
So I had no difficulty smoking, much more is the nicotine
Wrong. If you love someone, you don’t force him to make a decision.
This “if you love me, then…” It’s just blackmail.
Put the withdrawal into the holidays and then pack the days full of program
As Allererstes: Every jerk is different! For everyone it is different to stop smoking. There is no universal method, otherwise one would have written a book about it, would have become stinky, would enjoy his martini on the Bahamas on the beach and the tobacco industry would be broke!
Second, you have to stop for you, not for others, otherwise it doesn’t work. Of course, if you want to make it a gift to your companion 🙂
Every drug or drug addiction is estimated to be two parts. First the physical dependence and second the mental dependence.
In the case of nicotine dependence, in most cases the physical dependence is only very ‘flat’. Most people have overcome the few hours or three to four days. This means, however, that the body no longer screams after the drug and, for example, the hearth is gone and the blood pressure has normalized again. You have to go through these withdrawal symptoms. Depending on the constitution, however, extreme sporting activity can help, for example, but beware that the rest of the withdrawal does not take place in the internalist emergency.
The mental dependence is much deeper. The habits, after getting up, after eating, after having sex, to calm or to gather in the break and to give new ideas room or to not be creative without nicotine, not to get out and be depressed, that is much harder to overcome. Here you need replacements. What this is, you can only know. Often something helps that involves oral stimulation. With me this was the excessive consumption of Fisherman’s Friends. I’ve been looking for another one, but on the one hand it had significantly fewer side effects and was also much more flaky, so I could take them off much easier later 🙂
It can help separate the two pamperings from each other. In the past, it was attempted with nicotine plasters to break the mental and then physical absenteeism – with moderate success, especially because the nicotine plasters were not side-effect-free.
In my opinion, nicotine gums are meaningless because they do not challenge one or the other dependency.
Nowadays, my approval for e-cigarettes is the means of choice. First change to liquid with nicotine (the strongest one to buy, it has to scratch in the neck), then liquid without nicotine and then leave the e-cigarette at home and only enjoy special occasions and at the end leave completely. The advantage is that one can pamper the two dependencies individually. And if you stick on the e-cigarette at the end, that’s the way. This is also not a ‘healthy food’, but the potential for damage is reduced by ten spots than in tobacco.
But as I said, everyone has to find their own way. More power to you.
Oh, yeah, like an alcoholic never gets completely dry, and his whole life has to be careful not to fall into the bottle again, a smoker never gets cold. Even today, after almost twenty smoke-free years, there are moments, I could blow one to the guy’s face and steal the tip. It never stops, but is much less intensive. Today I begin to smile in vain and wish the opposite a beautiful day, depending on the situation and acquaintance with solid voice or only with silent lip movements.
Consider that my expertise is based only on my own nicotine search history and a few observations in my environment. It can be quite different with you. My tip, start with the withdrawal alm last day of school before the holidays. Celebrate the last tilt in the most beautiful situation that can set up and then pull it through.
Three days, three weeks, three months, these are the ‘dangerous cliffs’ you have to ship. The most harmful thought is that, ‘a tip is already going, I can stop. I’ve been cold for three days (weeks, months). No, unfortunately not. Just then who this thought comes you must be strong, because it doesn’t stay with a tip. But by now, as I said after years of non-smoking, I am too solidified that I can afford to snore my best friend at the company’s annual closing party for a tip, to look for a quiet corner and to enjoy the nicotine flash (and yes, the colleagues know that I am not crying :-). But I have to pay for it and, behold, in the next few weeks relatively many people wish a nice day 🙂
As I said, more power to you! You can do this.
Thanks for this great answer
Unfortunately, the problem is, however, I am 16, so I have no right way to get liquids and e-cigarettes
And I lack the necessary small money, which is why I stopped smoking, and now consume Schnupftabak
Then on the last day of school ‘start to quit’ and for two weeks it’s bad. My tip: fisherman’s. are they too strong, you are too weak 🙂 But please the classic, with sugar and without cherry or other flavouring. a little bang it already has to:-)