Nikotin beeinflusst den Penis?
Mir M16 ist aufgefallen, dass Nikotin die „Prallheit“ meines Penises beeinflusst und dementsprechend habe ich mich im Internet informiert und bin zum Schluss gekommen dass Nikotin die Blutgefässe temporär verstopft meine Frage wäre deswegen ob Nikotinkonsum in Form von Vapes oder ab und zu Zigaretten die Prallheit des Pannes Langzeit beeinflusst oder nur temporär, ich habe ab und zu Pausen gemacht und meistens wurde er dann nach einigen Tagen wieder so prall wie vorher hat da Jemand eine Erklärung. Habe vor noch ca 4 Wochen weiter zu Vapend wegen dem verringertem Hungergefühl(bim
im Moment im Cut vom Gym) und danach wieder Pause zu machen habe keine Problem mit Vapen aufzuhören da ich keine Sucht entwickle(habe immer mal wieder Phasen indenen icj für 2-3 Wochen vape und dann wieder 3-6 Monate gar nicht.
Hello Leonaksk, 👋
nicotine can only be Short
and only temporary the vessels
constrict, but not clog❗️
O. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard-Michael Mayer
Head of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Humboldtstraße 46/I, A-8010 Graz, Austria
Nicotin – Really so dangerous?
To summarize some facts:
+ nicotine is a nerve poison. And it is also used, for example, as plant protection agents. However, Prof. Dr. Mayer has shown that nicotine is far from as toxic as it is always accepted. The studies published for this purpose (Lethale dose) date back to 1906 and refer to very strange self-tests over 50 years before.
+ There is no evidence that nicotine is responsible for cancer. All claims – even almost all scientific investigations – are equivalent to nicotine with tobacco smoke. To date, it has not been possible to prove the cause of cancer by nicotine alone.
+ Overdose of nicotine is impossible in the sense of nicotine by inhalation. No one has smoked or steamed into the coma. Before you get a bad, dizzy and you get headaches. This effect ends when the nicotine is correspondingly degraded in the body, which is the case no later than an hour.
+ nicotine briefly narrows the vessels.
This automatically causes blood pressure
increased. There is no proof, however,
that this happens permanently. A
Energy Drink has similar effects.
+ Cigarettes contain 7000 foreign substances. Of which at least 60 detected carcinogenic. In addition, the tobacco is slurried at temperatures between about 700° C. and 1000° C. This results in subtle combustion products which settle in the lung.
There is no evidence that nicotine is responsible for anything that could not be assigned to these 7000 foreign substances.
In steaming (about 150° C. to 300° C.), such fines are not produced at all; nothing can be deposited in the lung.
+ nicotine can (!) roughen the inner skin of the veins (Tunica intima). As a result, clots can be formed.
But in the body, in principle, constantly
Gerinnsel and are dismantled again.
How long it needs to be done with nicotine
to cause is not detectable.
In a healthy person
for years of abuse at least necessary.
In the vessels, deposits are also established by smoking, which can impede blood flow and can also cause clots.
There is no evidence that this
Nicotine lies. And this does not mean
Inflexibility of the vessels resulting from this
Is nicotine a poison?
LG 🙋🏻
many thanks for the execution answer 👍
Very happy
And hey, you have to go
worry, lG 🙋🏻 ♀️
I noticed that nicotine affects my penis’s “practice” You’re an alien or something? Because NIKOTIN doesn’t have this ability.
so I have informed myself on the Internet – Congratulations, but you already know that’s not all that’s claimed every day, right?!
came to the conclusion that nicotine temporarily clogs the blood vessels – Sorry, it’s not.
whether nicotine consumption in the form of vapes or occasionally cigarettes affects the splendour of the panne long term or only temporarily, – NIKOTIN doesn’t. TABAKRAUCH, on the other hand, can show such effects, even if this is more untrue than a 6 in the lottery in a healthy HALBEN KIND.
has someone made a statement – No, because we don’t know your lifestyle and your habits… I don’t think of anything except imagination or weather.
due to reduced hunger – even more imagination… that Vapes can’t and that can’t be nicotine.
2/3 of all patients with impotence are smokers. cardiovascular diseases, in particular also heart attacks, frequently occur in smokers.
A study over 4 years showed that the group that inhaled Vapes increasingly developed heart failure.
There is no rational reason to smoke.
2/3 of all patients with impotence are smokers. – just… RAUCHER. Not nicotine users.
frequently occur in smokers. – Right. RAUCHERN! Not nicotine users!
A study over 4 years showed that the group that inhaled Vapes increasingly developed heart failure– wrong. Such a study does not exist… or it is miserable work. The opposite is even the case: RAUCHER, who switch to e-cigarettes, SURVE their cardiovascular health and risk for cardiovascular diseases. In Niemalsrauchern could be determined over a longer period of time NO difference in the health condition to the non-vaporating control group.
Scientists who are bought. You can’t give anything to such studies.
From smokers, however, here
not the speech!
RAUCHEN is here
not the subject!
Scientists who are bought. – No, they’re not…
You can’t give anything to such studies. – yes, you can… you should also be able to reflect what consumers worldwide are always and always looking for. oha…. how do you get on this really EXTREMEN sound?
The myth, e-cigarettes are 95 percent less harmful than conventional cigarettes, is persistent. – it’s not a MYTHOS, it’s a fact, it’s a fact, it’s a matter of whether it’s 95% or 98 or just 93%…
He goes back to an article from 2014. – To a large-scale meta study, which has been revised several times
In fact and truth, this myth is based on misinterpretation and, on the other hand, one-sided opinion of a small group, of which several members have proven to cultivate links with the tobacco industry. – When Public Health England as a “small group”…
ah yes…. and then another cracked newspaper article, tapped by people who don’t know anything about the subject and who create their articles via C&P without questioning whether there’s something on it or not. Doesn’t it seem strange to you that the study was published in September 23, but the article only appeared six months later? Is it not surprising that the link you can click is in vain and that there is no way to read this study?
And to think about it:
The fact is that nicotine can not only block blood vessels but also permanently. It makes the blood more viscous and constricts the blood vessels.
Nope… TATSACHE is here unfortunately only one… you have plenty of knowledge about nicotine for sooo much opinion… better said you have GARKEINES, otherwise you wouldn’t claim such a horrible nonsense here.
NIKOTIN does not block blood vessels and NIKOTIN also does not make blood more viscous! It actually narrows the vessels, but this is only CURRENT and completely reversible.
Let BITTE remain the answer to questions if you lack any SCIENCE on the subject – do you not have any RESPEKT before those who have a RIGHT on honest and fact-based answers?!
Is from research from google – thanks for rolling!
No, these are not facts, but a false information❗️
Fact is:
+ nicotine briefly narrows the vessels.
This automatically causes blood pressure
increased. There is no proof, however,
that this happens permanently. A
Energy Drink has similar effects.
The first thing that Google shows is what is most clicked and NIEMALS is what is most likely true, you don’t know.
And sorry. Since you have so pure pre-knowledge about nicotine, you are UNFACT to distinguish between facts and fakes!
thanks for rolling! Does the one who rolls around here with some stupid prejudices, because he/she lacks any knowledge and he/she has come up somewhere in the vastness of WWW?
“Thank you for correcting my nonsense” would be more appropriate…
Did you also notice that you (aside from medical prescriptions) have no legal possibility to consume nicotine at the age of 16, as consumption of any products that contain nicotine is already prohibited?
Too bad you don’t take this knowledge seriously and instead look at misbelief, you could determine it yourself.
So I’m evaporated and I’m dauerhorny and he’s always bounced
Hahahaha is happy for you