Niedriger HB Wert?
Hat jemand Erfahrungen mit niedrigen HB Wert und Eisenmangel ? Bei mir wurde ein HB Wert von 4,6 festgestellt, habe auch einen Bluttranfusion bekommen. Nun habe ich Angst das was schlimmes dahinter stecken könnte. Habe auch extrem Angst vor der Magen- Darmspiegelung, die ich machen soll deswegen. Bin seitdem auch psychisch angeschlagen und rede mir irgendwelche Krankheiten schon ein wie Darmkrebs oder Geschwüre. Ich habe auch keinen Appetit mehr, weil die Angst mir im Nacken sitzt.
very general and simplified:
MCH, MCHC and MCV are laboratory values that give an indication of the functionality of the oxygen transport of the erythrocytes (red blood cells). For this transport, oxygen is bound to hemoglobin (red blood dye).
If, for example, MCV and MCH are too low, there is a hypochromic microcytary anemia—that is, the red blood cells are too small and too pale here. This is the case, for example, with an iron deficiency.
If, on the other hand, these values are too high, hyperchromic macrocytary anemia is present, i.e., more strongly colored. Here the cause is often a lack of vitamin or folic acid.
In addition, however, there are other parameters to be determined. For example, ferritine – to control the iron metabolism!
Common reasons for an iron deficiency, especially in women, is a chronic blood loss. For example, by menstruation – here the loss of iron is quite high, which in turn also leads to a lower hemoglobin. In order to clarify whether there is also a bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, it is always advisable to perform a gastrointestinal and/or intestinal reflection.
Okay, thanks for the detailed information. So the values are already low.
I have to say that I really suffer from very severe control bleeding after pregnancy. If also gynecological studies were carried out, everything was good, can still be on it.
No problem.
Hypermenorrhea, i.e. an excessively strong menstrual bleeding, can lead to iron deficiency anemia (hypochrome, microcytary anemia).
Okay and how long. Because he didn’t say anything right. But by pantoprazole my iron is not properly absorbed, I only read. Is that right? I don’t know what’s right with taking the medication.
As a rule, medicamentally with a PPI such as pantoprazole or omeprazole. Basically, as your doctor has already begun. Operative only when complications.
Yeah, I’ve already thought of it. I also got a self-test on this Helicobacter plori bacterium. This was negative. But it can still be one. Would a ulcer heal himself or do it matter how big it is? Because my doctor prescribed acid inhibitors to me.
An ulcer (i.e. a ulcer) can also lead to an iron deficiency – therefore also the gastroenterological clarification by gastroenterological replication.
Just one question. Can gastric mucosa inflammation also lead to this? Because I suffered from sodburn and reflux for some time. Then it went away and came back.
A haemoglobin value of 4.6 g/dl is very low.
You write about iron deficiency. When was the last time the iron metabolism, with a focus on ferrite > iron storage controlled? In the case of a lowered ferritin level, it is generally treated with an oral iron substrate, e.g. Ferro Sanol capsules, duodenal. In very heavy cases the iron can be found directly.
You don’t need to be afraid of gastroscopy/coloscopy. Both studies can be carried out under sedation/i.v. To carry out short-nose. Meanwhile, your vital functions are monitored. You sleep, and when you wake up, everything is over. You can’t drive yourself after that, as you can still be tired. Because of this, the concentration capacity is reduced.
Alternatively, a gastroscopy can be carried out with a local anesthesia of the throat, by means of spray or gel. Before the examination, you have a doctor’s conversation where you can ask your questions.
Happy for you!
He was controlled six years ago when I was pregnant, and he was pretty low. Did something happen at that time, only I let it go again.
Thanks must be kind of
The ferrite value should be controlled in a timely manner.
Then a current inventory should be made here to have a status quo.
Folic acid and B12 are normal. That was investigated.
Before I got the blood tranfusion, I was always tired and very slapped. Heart grass can be, but I also suffer quickly from panic attacks, can come more from it. Pulse can also be increased, often have ear pips and also such a noise
You don’t need to apologize for the questions and I can understand that you’re thinking about this haemoglobin value.
Remote diagnostics are an absolute no-go, but a suspicion diagnosis is not a diagnosis. If the haemoglobin, as well as MCH and MCV are lowered, this indicates a special form of anemia. This anemia is called microcytary hypochromic anemia, based on iron deficiency.
Do you have symptoms such as strong tiredness, dizziness, tachycardia – heartaches, with increased pulse?
Ferritin is an important value, but it would be useful to check the complete iron metabolism > iron, transferrin, transferrin saturation, in addition folic acid, B12 and the reticulocytes.
A stomach ulcer would also be conceivable. This will show gastroscopy.
Thank you. When I was a kid, I had some iron in the hospital because my value was already low.
Yeah, I’m trying. You’re just thinking and worried. It could also be that it could come from a gastric mucosa inflammation, because I once suffered a period of sodburn and reflux. Sorry for the questions, I’m just afraid because the doctors at the hospital made me even more frightened.
Okay. The value is still within the scope. Many doctors already treat an oral iron substition from a value of less than 50, others only from under 20. First, please wait for the investigations and please don’t think about cancer.
He was controlled. It’s 27 on the lab. I thought now before that was with the low HB value when the last time was controlled
Let your doctor explain you comprehensively. A gastric mirror is a Klacks! You’re being sedated and don’t get anything.
Okay and how long does that take?
Nice. After 10-15 minutes, the haunt is over. Intestinal reflection does not take much longer. Depending on the findings (polyps, yes or no) between 15-30 minutes.
10 minutes maybe.