Low-ohmic loop impedance (L-PE) is important for RCD tripping and line impedance (LN) is important for LSS tripping, right?

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2 years ago

Jain. That is true, the loop impedance L-PE is also more important for the release of the LSS. After all, there are not only short circuits, but also body closures. These must logically also lead to a disconnection.

The resistor L-PE is basically irrelevant for the RCCB, because this is basically not the task of the fault current circuit breaker. For the protection of electrical installation and equipment, the LSS is there, the RCCB is intended for the protection of users.

Let’s assume a defective device of SK1 has a body closure and also a PE brake in the cable. The resistor L-PE is thus so high that no protective element can trigger, but the metal housing is under tension. Now the case is touched by someone and this person suffers a power strike. In this case, the fault current protection switch has the task of recognizing and triggering the differential current, which it also makes within approximately 20 milliseconds. Here, a stream of just over 20mA is sufficient to lead to a triggering. At the latest 30mA MUSS he even turned off. So you see that even a broken protective conductor with infinitely high resistance must not be an obstacle that prevents the RCCB from triggering.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kleosa

No, I meant it the way I wrote it. Please read my post more carefully. The reason why I disagree with your statement was also sufficient. For further questions, I would like to be available.

2 years ago

What does this have to do with a TN-C network? Especially since an RCCB can theoretically also function here under certain circumstances. Because of the vagunding currents, it would only not hold on to most devices, except that it is not permissible for TN-C. The basic mode of operation in the event of a fault would also be given here.

2 years ago

The resistance for FI protection does not have to be so low.

According to DIN VDE 0100-410, the permissible contact voltage is not more than 50 volts.

For a 30mA FI switch, 1.66kΩ are theoretically permissible.

2 years ago

The LSS can also trigger errors between L-PE when it is a grounded network.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kleosa

The impedance of the entire fault loop must be low-resistance, so that the current is strong enough on the one hand and on the other hand the protection of persons is given.

A fault between L and PE is a ground closure when the net is insulated and a ground short circuit when the net is grounded.

However, an error between L and N is always a short circuit. In the case of ideal conditions, this is not detected by the FI, unless it is a FI-LSS combination.