Niederlassungserlaubnis (Karte) abgelaufen (Türkischer Pass), verreisen nach Spanien möglich?

Hallo zusammen, ich habe eigentlich vor in Spanien mein Urlaub zu verbringen.. Allerdigns ist meine Niederlassungserlaubnis abgelaufen, also ich hab einen unbefristeten Aufenthalt in Deutschland nur die Karte selber ist abgelaufen vor 3 Monaten. Mein Termin für die neue Karte habe ich schon es wäre aber für meinen Urlaub zu spät. Meinen neuen türkischen Reisepass hab ich schon erhalten. Kann ich trotzdem so verreisen?

Vielen Dank schonmal.

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2 years ago

There are fiction certificates for travel. Certificate

2 years ago

Since Turkey is not in the EU, Spain does not recognise Turkish papers that have expired.

The question is, however, whether the residence permit is even important for entry. MM would be enough for your passport. Ask for security at the airport’s customs. They know that.

2 years ago

Without valid residence permits, you cannot enter a Schengen country as well as Spain, which is considered illegal because Turkey is not part of the EU and you are residing without a residence permit or visa in the EU.

Even back to DE becomes problematic, you can be deported directly in Spain to Turkey

Whether you even get into the plane here in DE I doubt also .. at the switch you are probably rejected

2 years ago
Reply to  Kubii00

No, with an indefinite residence permit you are neither illegal nor deported. Even if the corresponding card is newly issued.