Nichts zum neuen Job sagen?
Eine Freundin (41) von mir ist arbeitslos..
Als ich sie fragte ob sie mal eine Ausbildung machen möchte oder einen Abschluss, hat sie nichts dazu gesagt..
Aber von mir will sie alles wissen.. Als ich mir einen Nebenjob gesucht habe, wollte sie direkt wissen wo etc..
Nun habe ich bald einen besser bezahlten Haupt-Job..
Soll ich einfach auch nicht reagieren? Sie fragte beim letzten Treffen wir denn die Geschäfte so laufen würden?!?
Ist sie vllt sogar neidisch? Ich meinte mal, dass sie auch eine Ausbildung machen könnte.. da meinte sie nur sie wäre zu alt …
I just had to lenses in your questions…and most of them start with “One/-e friend/-in/known of me…”.
So either you are so successful, good-looking, rich, etc. that you all envy or…a lot of sound and smoke and anonymity on the Internet.
Obviously, you seem to find the feeling very good, otherwise it would not be so often to find a question.
But to your “friend” if there should be. Yeah, what is she gonna tell you? She has, possibly not an exciting life and possibly has already given up for herself (or no pleasure at all).
Maybe she feels quite comfortable in her life, but of course it’s unpleasant when someone comes around the corner again and posing on the “Pflichten des uprighten Citizens”.
Let’s think what it’s about that she doesn’t work? There are enough reasons, laziness is rare.
But, of course, it’s easy to break the staff over someone.
And clearly she wants to know everything about you… apparently you always have something to tell what she finds exciting; unlike her.
I’d keep myself covered if someone keeps drilling in my wounds. Wouldn’t you like, if there’s always one coming, taking advantage of your weaknesses to push around in it (and just because you don’t feel that way, it doesn’t mean that it looks the same).
Maybe you should ask her how it came to her situation if she wants to change it and if no, where the problem is.
But “Ooooooh….the/they’re probably jealous of me because…” – I guess there’s a wish to be a father of thought, huh?
Your previous questions draw a pretty clear picture of you.
Btw… I’m not jealous of you.
Well, to expose her/it in such a way by describing the true motives of the questions, she/it probably met so much that it came to spontaneously gloomy insult ecclesiastical pads. Well, a problem account less.
Always this envy talk, it hangs me out at my throat, I can’t hear.
What’s funny about it when she’s a friend asking how it’s going in the profession. Or if you’re told that you were looking for a side job, then where and what is asked. Isn’t it a bad question? Such questions are asked when you are interested in others and their lives. Where’s something with envy? Where?
And that she doesn’t answer your questions is also somehow comprehensible, it’s obviously unpleasant to her.
But no, even with completely banal questions, “Neid” must be suspected again. Probably to feel great for yourself because you are all “beneiden”.
Yes, this “neid” sabbble I even completely faded out in the question, that also goes to the cookies.
It’s unpleasant to admit to you that she’s professionally just downstairs. The older you are, the more unpleasant it is for one.
And then curious questions of one who comes professionally well further is all the more unpleasant and comes for them more like looking down on them and mocking them.
Just leave her and hide the subject. In the end, there’s no one at all. It’s not your life and not your money, which it must eventually earn again.
Why are you constantly asking about “a friend” who is supposed to envy you?
Maybe you should rethink your friendships.
I’ll do what I want! This app is my playground