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1 year ago

Yeah, that happens.

1 year ago

The rents are often very high, unfortunately, has become normal. But you know that before you sign and move. It is therefore possible to calculate exactly what costs are at an approximate level.

1 year ago

I’m turning around the question – is it normal for you? If so, it’s okay. If not, then you need to take care of a larger income, or look for an apartment with less rent.

1 year ago

Depends on the circumstances. Are you 17 and just in training this is less bad as if you are 42 and have no money for the pension on the side.

1 year ago
Reply to  chrisunas

Well, these are generally not good conditions. But that was never meant to be heard as a child;) I went similar though not quite. Even though I’ve got the curve now.

But then what should I tell you about your question, it is in principle the same as with school and education /study.

The problems that arise in this way you have not now but at some point in the future. It is probably not ideal now, but the problems are getting worse about that longer. And as you have a problem now because you didn’t do anything earlier, you’ll be there in the future because you don’t do anything now.

Why don’t you save it? What is your plan to be no longer hire workers / help in 5 years?